louiss72 (louiss72)
2021-10-08 01:20:10※ 引述《y12544 (我看过沙漠下鲍鱼)》之铭言:
: 标题: [闲聊] Jankos 推特
: 时间: Fri Oct 8 00:43:12 2021
: https://twitter.com/G2Jankos/status/1446153389612666888
: DFM, aka 'Defeated Five Millionaires', is an LJL team most famously known for
: beating the North American Wildcard team Cloud9 at MSI 2021 while earning a
: fraction of their salaries
: Golden one
: DFM,又被称为“击败五个百万富翁”,是一支 LJL 队伍,他们最著名的事蹟是在 2021
: 年 MSI 击败北美外卡战队 C9,而且拿的薪水还只有他们的一小部分
: → zxc7 : 明天BYG回家 帮 BYG想ㄍ buy 10/08 00:50
BYG, aka "Buy Your Gift", is a rookie PCS team well known for buying souvenirs
from local and fast delivery to your place right after play-ins is ended.