[情报] VCS无法参加MSI

楼主: powerdavid (hatano yee)   2021-04-19 23:18:46
The Mid-Season Invitational is just around the corner, and we are excited fo
r teams all over the globe to come together to compete in Reykjavik, Iceland
starting May 6, 2021. While it was our hope that the top team from each of
our 12 regions would be able to join us, due to national travel restrictions
related to COVID-19, the team from Vietnam (VCS) will unfortunately not be
able to participate.
因为越南的旅游禁令 VCS无法参加今年的MSI
We explored numerous solutions that would allow the VCS team to compete in Iceland, but we were unable to find a way to make this happen. We are deeply disappointed to have to continue without one of our most passionate leagues. Although it will not replace the experience for them, we will be awarding the team their full share of the prize pool as though they had participated in the event.
试过很多办法但还是不行 会分奖金给他们
Despite having to continue with one less team, the format of the tournament
will not change. VCS was slated to start in Group A along with the teams fro
m the LPL (China), LCL (CIS), and LCO (Oceania). This group will now begin t
he tournament with the remaining 3 teams and the top 2 will advance to the n
ext stage of the competition as originally planned. Groups B and C will rema
in unaffected.
A组会由剩下的三个赛区组成 前两名晋级 B组C组保持不变
While this was an incredibly tough decision, we are committed to bringing the best possible League of Legends experience to our global community without compromising the health and safety of our players and staff. As we plan towards our first international tournament of the year, we truly appreciate your support and understanding.
这是艰难的决定 希望大家支持与理解
作者: turningright (Right)   2021-04-19 23:20:00
作者: jeffwang0110 (011024jeffwang)   2021-04-19 23:21:00
作者: AnnHeeYung77 (ChuchuHaNi)   2021-04-19 23:29:00
又来= =
作者: FncRookie001   2021-04-19 23:29:00
Zeros:帮复真的要公平应该是NA跟A组换一下吧 C组太竞争了
作者: MasqueRade00   2021-04-19 23:36:00
作者: waterice0902 (默默浅水)   2021-04-19 23:49:00
作者: FncRookie001   2021-04-19 23:49:00
我看Reddit上说 主要是出去了会回不来甚至有越南人等了六个月还回不去 回国禁令很严格
作者: luvstarrysky (爱恋星空1)   2021-04-19 23:58:00
lpl太爽了吧 说不定连越能都打不赢的小丑赛区
作者: qazwsx855193   2021-04-20 00:27:00

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