ilovettb (我爱踢踢逼)
2019-10-09 01:13:48原来reddit也有妈的阴阳同体版主喔
※ 引述《DendiQ (貔貅)》之铭言:
: 首先恭喜 HKA 晋级。
: 然后这事就八成有中国卧底板主而已,又不是 reddit 官方做的,PTT 常常也有板主乱搞。
: 想看那些被删的原文可以到下方连结:
: 该板所有新文章
: https://snew.notabug.io/r/leagueoflegends/new/
: 原文说的那篇文章
: https://snew.notabug.io/r/leagueoflegends/comments/df0vfi/
: Edited: 板主出来回应了
: We understand that people feel upset at the Activision/Blizzard decision to
: deprive one of their players of his earnings and fire casters because of their
: support for the Hong Kong protests.
: However, we do not allow off-topic comments unrelated to the post-match
: discussion.
: We'd like to keep this thread unlocked, so please try to keep your comments at
: least somewhat related to the match. If you'd like to discuss the political
: situation in Hong Kong, please head on over to /r/worldnews where there are
: multiple threads every day with the latest updates.
: We offer our congratulations to Hong Kong Attitude for their victory and their
: qualification into groups stage.