Re: [战棋] patch小道消息

楼主: skyline0514 (明天会更好)   2019-07-04 15:13:35
※ 引述《kita (kita)》之铭言:
: 刚在狗哥实况看到的连结
试着翻译 有误请指正 谢谢
1. After the first minion fight, there is a new GROMP encounter. Gromps have an
increased attack speed pattern that slows as they continue fighting (AKA
exactly what the Gromps in League do).
第一轮对战怪物后 增加一只蟾蜍 蟾蜍会增加攻速并随战斗持续降攻速(就招唤峡谷那只蟾蜍啦!)
2.Every PvE encounter from the Gromp onwards now includes a GUARANTEED item
drop from the strongest monster in the pack, in the form of a mystery item.
In the case of Dragons, every dragon has a FULL, COMPLETED item! Make sure
you spread your team so you can bring it down and claim your rewards.
3.The item dropping monsters are now buffed, with either Dragon's Claw
(resistance to magic damage), Red buff (Hp based burn damage and healing
denial), or Guardian Angel (Revive with 500 HP upon death). The items they
drop has no correlation with their buff as far as I can see.
红buff:燃烧生命 无法治愈
带有这些buff的怪物 与他会掉落的装备无关.
4.Mystery Items remain on your stage as long as you do. If you leave your
stage, they will automatically go to your inventory as whatever item they
are. They can be completed items, and no, they can NOT be stolen by other
players :)
选装备阶段 会等到你这轮选完才会到下一轮的人选
轮到你的阶段没选择系统会自动帮你挑选 才会轮下一轮的人选
(手速太慢的人有福了! 你不用在担心自己速度慢被抢)
5.RANKED is up for testing on the PBE! As people suspected, the top 4 players
in a match gain ELO, while the bottom 4 lose ELO.
rank开放 前四名的加分 后四名扣分
6. Currently on the PBE, placement only requires 5 matches before you are placed
in an ELO.
7.ELO gain seems pretty sporadic atm, I gained around 27-32 ELO for placing 4th
two times in a row and was placed in Iron III around 40~ ELO. Upon placing
2nd in the following match I was immediately promoted. So WHERE you place in
the top 4 may greatly increase the amount of ELO gained.
大概就是跟原本积分一样有连胜elo 加更多
8.Demons received a flat buff - they now deal 100%/200%/400% TRUE DAMAGE to
targets they mana burn (for 2/4/6 demons). The percentage chance of the mana
burn is unchanged.
恶魔buff燃烧法力特效 - 100%/200%/400%(2/4/6恶魔) 触发机率不变
9.Zeke's Convergence received a tool tip update. Additionally, all adjacent
item effects now have a clear indicator in-game at the start of the match.
席科号角 装备说明更新 开始游戏时影响邻近角色的buff更明确
10.Red Buff and Morellonomicon were both changed and are now two sides (physical
damage or magical damage) of the same coin - they do 13% of the target's
maximum health as damage over 5 seconds, and COMPLETELY PREVENTS healing.
红buff跟黑魔禁书改强 13%最大生命伤害五秒并完全禁止对手回复
11. Frozen Heart now slows attack speed by 25% (up from 20%)
冰心 降公速20%->25%
12. Hextech Gunblade now heals from 33% damage done (up from 25%)
海克斯科技枪 治愈造成的伤害 25%->33%
13. EDIT #2 瑞然飓风伤害修正
Another Redditor, /u/RZ_Selected, found more changes! Runaan's Hurricane
received a complete rework for example. Check out their post!
Summons a spirit who mirrors your attacks, dealing 25% damage.
It does apply on hit effects! As you can see in the screenshot, Vayne procs
silverbolts on multiple enemys!
14.Win Streaks are now explained in a tooltip right next to your current gold.
下场连胜奖金加成会加多少钱 会出现在你显示金钱的旁边
15.You can now flip banners in loading screen to see people's ranks, although it
doesn't seem to be functional. I'm iron and can't see mine yet.
16. here are now damage charts you can toggle on and off that tell you how much
damage each champion on your team is dealing in real time (refreshes at the
start of every round). 显示每轮你的角色所制造的伤害 (每轮即时更新)
上班中抽空档翻译 有错误请帮忙修正 谢谢!
by 走火入魔手速变慢的大叔
作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟噜都大都督)   2019-07-04 15:18:00
第一点是指会随战斗持续降低的高攻速 不是降别人速第二点是蟾蜍以后的每摊一定保证掉装

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