Hello, this is SKT T1. We’d like to introduce the new player and coach for
the 2019 season.
Coach : Kim ‘Fly’ Sangcheol
SPT : Cho ‘Mata’ Sehyoung
We are welcoming the new coach Kim ‘Fly’ Sangcheol and Cho ‘Mata’
Sehyoung who have joined T1 for the 2019 season.
We are looking forward a lot of supports from the T1 fans.
On the other hand, we also have some sad news to tell you. We are no more
contracted with Lee ‘PoohManDu’ Jeonghyeon and Bae ‘Bengi’ Seongung who
have been with us for the 2018 season.
Lee ‘PoohManDu’ Jeonghyeon will be looking for a new team to continue his
e-sports coaching career and Bae ‘Bengi’ Seongung will be taking a break
prior to begin the military service.
We appreciated the efforts of the 2 coaches.
T1 will be adding a new coach in the future and looking forward your
continuous interest.
Thank you.