y12544 (禾子可可)
2018-11-25 21:04:09https://twitter.com/FORG1VENGRE/status/1066652961034706945?s=19
Update: My LCSboosting services for LEC teams will still be unavailable until la
te March! Please stay tuned for more information and updates regarding any chang
es that can occur!
You can still pre-order our freshest product for LECSummer2019! Minimum guarante
ed 3rd-4th place!
更新:我为LEC队伍提供的LCS buff服务一直到三月底前都还是无效的喔!请持续关注来获
你们还是能预订我们为2019 LEC夏季赛推出的最新服务!保证至少会拿到三四名喔!