刚刚看到 LCK 爆炸有很多人在谈比赛胜负裁定的问题,基本上当初六都也是有去参考各
大联赛的规章,我印象中大家都差不多,因未不会韩文贴个LMS 和 NA LCS 的规章供参
这是 2018 LMS 夏季赛的胜负裁定:
7.3.9 胜负判断
比赛时若发生断网、断电、发生重大 Bug、游戏比赛房崩溃、比赛服务器(TWTR)障碍及任
何导致游戏崩坏而无法顺利继续进行比赛等情况时,游戏时间 20 分钟内的比赛将重新开
始,游戏时间超过 20 分钟的比赛,若满足以下任一条件裁判有权将可直接判决胜负:
(1) 经济差距:两队参赛队伍于游戏中的经济差距大于 33%。
(2) 剩余塔数差距:两队参赛队伍持有塔数差距大于 7 座。
(3) 剩余水晶兵营差距:两队参赛队伍持有水晶兵营数差距大于 2,已经毁坏过又重生的
这边也同步提供北美 2018 LCS SUMMER 的手册给大家参考:
In the event of a technical difficulty which leads League Officials to
declare a restart, League Officials may instead award a game victory to a team
. If a game has been played for more than 20 minutes on the game clock
(00:20:00), League Officials, in their sole discretion, may determine that a
team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable certainty. League Officials
may, but are not required to,use any or all of the following criteria in the
determination that one team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable
这边和 LMS 第一段一样,不翻了。
13.1.1 Gold Differential. The difference in gold between the teams is more
than 33%.
经济差距:两队参赛队伍于游戏中的经济差距大于 33%。
13.1.2 Remaining Turret Differential. The difference in the number of
remaining turrets between the teams is more than seven (7).
剩余塔数差距:两队参赛队伍持有塔数差距大于 7 座。
13.1.3 Remaining Inhibitor Differential. The difference in the number of
standing inhibitors between the teams is more than two (2).
剩余水晶兵营差距:两队参赛队伍持有水晶兵营数差距大于 2,已经毁坏过又重生的
前三个都和 LMS 一样,不过多了:
13.1.4 Remaining Nexus Turret Differential. The difference in the number
of remaining nexus turrets between the teams is two (2).
13.1.5 Respawning Player Differential. The difference in live player
characters between the teams is at least four (4), with the remaining
death timers on all dead players being at least forty (40) seconds or
13.1.6 Straight Up GG. At the time of technical difficulty, there is no
scenario that in the opinion of League Officials, could result in anything
other than the victory of one team (e.g. at 45 minutes one team is aced
and the ADC and jungler on the opposing team have a minion wave and are
running into the opposing base).
判给GG Win!