same reasons as to why teams are playing swain, you're looking to build a
team comp that can group around lvl 9 and 1 item timings and force 5v5s on
in addition, being a bruiser positions him well against the popularity of
assassins in the midlane
renekton aatrox and rumble fill the same role as well, but his ranged
advantage over tanks and good gank setups post 6 give you a 2v2 that can
be quite hard to beat
that allows you access to some gank into herald setups that many comps will
find hard to stop
- 跟选斯温的用意是一样的 组一个9等+1件装可以打团的阵容 逼迫对手5v5争抢
- 身为斗士可以抗衡中路刺客的普及
- 鳄鱼、厄萨斯跟蓝宝也是一样的角色 但乌尔加特打坦克有远程优势并且在6等后有很好
策划gank的潜力 2v2打架不太会输
- 承上点 gank完可以策划预示者 对方很难阻止物件取得