Expect on his return to Europe: “Once you’ve been good, you can be good
again whatever the meta.”
懒喔,不想动 _(:3JZ)_
How did your first scrims and training go?
We started practicing together and I understand 70~80 percent of the
communication, but it’s harder for inSec. Even if we have a translator, it’
s not the same. I’d say he only gets 10 percent of the communication. When I
was in G2, we did all the calls in English and only some of them in Korean
with Trick when we had 2v2 fights in top lane. But we tried to always speak
English so our teammates can understand.
When I practiced in Korea, it was only on the solo queue ladder, so I mainly
played carries. Now, I have to play tanks and talking about the first results
— I’m not happy with myself, so I will train more. We start playing soon
and I hope to recover my best shape by next week!
重点: Expect : 我大概听得懂 70~80 %的沟通内容。 Insec 只听得懂 10 %。
[+] “快! Insec! 选坦! (Quick, inSec, lock a tank!)”
“选....卡? 好喔! (Lock... Kha...? Ok!)”*锁上卡利斯
(‧Д‧) LOL又有新的单位了! 1 Insec = 10%
夭寿喔,Google 缩网址居然不能用了!?
味虾米啊!? 这样以后要用什么缩网址阿....
早睡早起第一天,起来世界就不一样了 ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 摆出《前进高棉》的姿势!