[闲聊] Reddit 热议: 手术 x 抓马 x LCS(2)

楼主: fkc (Mr. 男子汉)   2018-03-28 15:09:45
A Summary of another person's account inside the Renegades house during the
Remelia/Badawi Drama
同样一件事,由另一个匿名者 (当时也在 Renegades 基地内和队伍共识) 提供相关讯息
文章内容是从 Remilia 的推特上整理出来的
原 PO 主本来把这个匿名者,写作“佛地魔(Voldemort)”来命名
结果被 Reddit 网友干谯整篇文章被他写得像是一个笑话
后来,改用 “Richard Lewis (简称:RL)” 来替代
(1) RL 经核实确认,是在当时 1~2月的期间,待在 R 队(Renegades)基地
(2) RL 声称当时真的是以为 CB 是因为“持有多队”的原因而被 LCS 盯上
(3) 有消息透露,只要赛季期间 CB 出了包,Riot 就打算把他赶出 LCS
RL 曾试图找 CB 谈谈、给他一点建议。
(4) 队伍基地内的违规问题(abusive issues)还有许多
(5) 选手为 LCS 每天练习12-14小时,没有安排任何外出的时间
(6) Remilia 由于心理不稳定的缘故,被限制不能锁上自己房间的门
CB 就不停跑去她的房间,甚至是一些非常私人的时间 (尤其是手术之后的期间)
※ "Maria wasn't allowed a lock on her door because she was ruled mentally
unstable. Badawi would constantly be going into her room including what
seemed to be some very private moments that were necessary for the surgery
Maria had." 有些内容,我觉得我中文可能有偏差,就把原文附上。
(7) CB 利用她自己的母亲,写同意信去让 Remilia接受手术
RL 表明自己没有仔细去研究信件内容。
※ "Badawi used his own mother to write a letter that allowed them to get the
surgery for Maria. Richard Lewis made it very clear he did not do research
besides a recommendation but that was it."
(8) 在 R 队基地得期间,Remilia 没有得到任何心理治疗和帮助
(9) Remilia 甚至开口问 RL 是否能杀死她
(10) CB 不停告诉 Remilia ,她因为自己的缘故拖累队伍和其他选手
让 Remillia 背负著罪恶感
※ "Badawi would constantly be guilt tripping maria by telling her she was
letting her team and players down with her issues."
(11) 之后 RL 向 CB 提出,必须让选手有离开基地活动的时间和空间的想法
于是 CB 安排队伍去健身房运动的“队伍创建("team building")”时间
※ Eventually when Richard Lewis told Badawi he had to get his players out of
the house Badawi scheduled a "team building" trip to a gym to work out
together. This idea alone is amazing to think knowing the state one of the
players was in.
(12) 此时,RL知道他必须帮助 Remilia脱离这个环境,不然他会有很高的机率
※ At this point soon Richard Lewis knew he had to help Maria get out of the
house and situation or her life was at serious risk of suicide.
(13) RL 接受美国的工作之前,他必须回去一趟英国
在 RL 回国的这段期间,他获知 Remilia 已经打算离开 R 队
(14) CB 立刻把 Remilia 开除并赶出基地
(15) CB 把 Remilia 丢去和另外两个男生住在同一个房间
三个人在同一个房间, 刚动完手术的 Remilia 完全没有隐私
※ When he didn't kick her out of the house, he then moved her into a room with
2 other guys. That's right 3 people living in one room. Maria could get no
privacy for things she had to attend to because of the surgery.
(16) CB 告诉 RL ,因为 Remilia 已经不再队上,所以有义务才叫她搬走
当时 RL 的回应是“合理。 "Decency."”
※ Badawi told Richard Lewis he moved her because she wasn't on the team
anymore so what obligation does he have to do anything for her.
Richard Lewis's response was "Decency"
(17) 他们尝试去联络 Monte,但Monte 太忙了,也没有回应
(18) 最后 RL 回到美国,将 Remilia 带走,并给予她所需要的帮助
(19) Remilia 的合约中有竞业条款,让她不能去其他队伍/联盟
※ There was a non compete clause in her contract from renegades for
any league, let alone just NA LCS.
(20) Remila 心理和身理上都不能够打比赛;她上场只是因为被罪恶感逼迫
(21) 另一方面 CB 始终在谈论卖掉 LCS 的位置
※ Other side notes about Badawi. Always talked about selling the LCS Spot,
even interrupting meetings to talk with people about getting him money
he felt was owed.
(22) RL 在基地的这段时间,Monte 对相关事情毫不知情,更没有踏进过基地任何一步
Monte 真的很忙。
(23) Monte 信任错了对象。
马der....ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 摆出《前进高棉》的姿势!

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