[闲聊] REDDIT FW VS WE + 今日贝克

楼主: coolplus (cool)   2017-10-08 16:47:39
原文连结: https://redd.it/750i1h
这一串没图分享... 只有文字分享Q_Q
Some say Karsa is still trying to take raptors...
Some say FW is still trying to take a win...
EDG: Same
FNC: Same
FB: same..
EDG+FNC+FB: 我们也是
Karsa is making some questionable engages when FW should just back of and
defend. I am more pissed that MMD literally has no armour, twitch is
murdering the front-line real quick.
在FW需要回防的时候, Karsa总会有一些奇怪的开战。不过更气的是MMD完全0物防, 令图
SwordArt Offline
His ults we're so good against TSM. No idea what happened this game with them.
Those were some really poorly timed Taric ults.
FW = Free Win
FW = Free Win 国际认证
Is impact the only person who can play shen?
wtf was betty doing??
WE really need to work on their flair synergy
The difference in impact between Janna and Taric was huge this game
Was hoping FW would win so TSM was in a better position
其实我希望FW赢, 这样TSM才能在一个更有利的位置
It doesn't look good for FW. It does look good for Janna's winrate tho!
FW看起来很不妙, 不过珍娜的胜率看起来更高了!
Karsa is utterly useless on anything but Lee Sin
When FW beat SKT, Karsa was always playing Lee
At MSI SKT banned Lee all 3 games and FW got stomped 0-3
Karsa 只要没李星就是0作用
当FW赢SKT的时候, Karsa都是在玩李星
而在MSI的时候, SKT ban了3次李星, 他们就被虐到0-3了
I really don't get why the casters are praising Betty so much, he seems
invisible for most of the games and when you finally realise he is there,
it's because he lost the game. The big TF near Nash this game, he dies with
both summoners up.
我是看不懂为什么主播在称赞Betty, 他好像全场都在鬼隐似的, 而当你注意到他的时候
, 只是因为他已经输掉比赛了。在巴龙池的那个大团战, 他在有双招的情况下被秒掉。
The spray and pray was beautiful.
TSM-WE leaving group?
Twitch is showing up HUGE in this worlds so far...
Fuck chogath! ...wait, he wasnt even picked or banned...
妈的又是科加斯... 等等, 牠没有被BAN也没被选...
has there ever been a first seed that got last in groups
之前有没试过第1种子小组第4? (帮忙回: 有...S6 FW就是了)
why ban xayah and not janna?
为什么BAN刹雅, 不BAN珍娜?
FW just made EDG look like not the worst major region's 1st seed.
FW令EDG看起来不像最烂的POOL 1种子1。
That last engage was easily the worst attempt of an engage I have ever seen...
FW is pretty terrible.
我看那么多开团... 最后的开战真的是我看那么多次之中的最差的1个...
It's sad knowing they might disband this year. RIP FW T_T
听说他们今年之后会解散。RIP FW T_T (有这件事.......?)
Flash Wolves looked like a Silver soloqueue team by the end of it.
FW看起来好像是银牌场的SOLO QUEUE。
Dude, Betty in those team fights... What was he even doing?
Dude, Betty在那些团战之中... 到底在干嘛?
I guess you can call the Flash Wolves the "Dire Wolves" now
我想你们现在可以叫FW "Dire Wolves" (外卡队)了。
So did FW and the LMS get worse or did just all the other major regions just
get better?
FW outdrafted themselves it seems. Taric isn't working out. Jinx sucked.
Vladimir did nothing.
FW又是被自己的B/P玩坏了。塔里克没用, JINX很烂, 血鬼0作用。
Betty's positioning is awful
同场加映 - 贝克今天怎么喷MMD:
贝克 (slrabbit99): MMD还是乖乖玩贸凯吧
贝克 (slrabbit99): 至少 茂凯 W 不会空阿
贝克 (slrabbit99): MMD这个朝 还顺便骗掉蛇蛇晕
贝克 (slrabbit99): 好猛
贝克 (slrabbit99): MMD 刚刚都在bait队友
作者: realizerwalk (小桂子)   2017-10-08 17:02:00

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