fkc (Mr. 男子汉)
2017-09-02 12:17:38H2K’S LETTER TO THE EU LCS COMMUNITY https://goo.gl/Q6FqJK
Reddit 相关讨论 https://redd.it/6xgz7r
大约几个小时之前, H2K 官方发表一封公开信
声明若 Riot 不更改联赛相关的各项规定(主要是关于 $$ 的部分)
将不排除退出 EU LCS。
While H2K’s ownership is based in the U.S., H2K’s roots are in Europe and
we are committed to the EU region so long as we continue to compete in the
League of Legends.
H2K 的所有权发迹于美国,但 H2K生根于欧洲;我们 H2K 在欧洲区域表现的好棒棒。
During the almost two years since the change in H2K ownership, we have been
privileged to develop close personal relationships with our players,
cultivate a brand with strong ties to European fans and worked with great
European partners including our media agency, sponsors and talented
professional advisors. We believe that our core values and the environment we
have created for our players are distinctly European. It’s for these
reasons and others that players have been attracted to working with H2K and
why all members of the 2017 H2K starting roster signed with H2K without
seeking offers from other teams.
H2K 的所有权变更后,经过了约两年;H2K 一直与欧洲粉丝保持好棒棒的关系
H2K 深信 H2K 的为欧洲选手所创造的核心价值和好棒棒的专业环境
就是所有 2017 H2K 的先发选手都没有跑去跟别人签约的主因。
We believe that League of Legends is the major league of esports and that
RIOT has developed the most structured and organized league in esports. We
also believe that RIOT, as the developer and owner of the software, is
entitled and should derive very substantial financial benefits for the risks
it has taken in developing a highly creative and unique electronic game which
is played worldwide by more than 100 million users per month. We too love
this game, the competitive league created around it and all the fans that
support H2K and the EU LCS.
H2K 相信 LOL 是个好棒棒的游戏和电竞项目
H2K 也相信 Rito 是个好棒棒的软件开发商和开发者
Rito 理所当然有权力为了他在开发游戏中所承担的风险,而从中获得经济利润
因为大家,包含 H2K,都太爱这个好棒棒的游戏了。
Sadly, however, from a business perspective we consider it irrational to
continue in a partnership where our partner earns very substantial annual
profits while, by contrast, we incur annual losses of over €1,000,000. The
financial arrangement between RIOT and the teams is unfortunately backward
and upside down. The fact is that most League of Legends teams lose money.
Operating costs continue to increase dramatically and RIOT’s team
compensation only covers a small fraction of those costs. In essence, team
losses are subsidizing the marketing activities of a multi-billion dollar
难过的是,我们 H2K 每年都亏钱,哭哭;赔到要做不下去了。
我们每年大概赔个 €1,000,000 欧元(1 欧元,约35.7台币;总计约三千五百万台币)
Rito 和战队之间的经济收入安排,非常不棒棒
经营战队的开销越来越高,而 Rito 在经济方面给的补偿却少得可怜,哭哭
H2K as a premier team in the EU LCS, together with the other professional
teams competing in the League of Legends, are the fundamental foundation of
the League of Legends’ food chain. It’s the teams who identify, secure and
financially support the players. It’s the teams who, in building their
brands, also promote RIOT and the League of Legends. It’s the teams who
principally promote their players and attract the loyalty of fans. It’s the
teams who will fight hard to retain the best EU players in the EU while
competing with the giant size NA LCS franchise structure. Without H2K and the
other teams in the professional leagues, there would be no games for fans to
watch, RIOT’s $2 billion in annual in- game sales would decline
dramatically, RIOT’s streaming/broadcasting revenues (which will exceed $
50 million annually) together with in- game ads and major league worldwide
sponsorships would disappear.
H2K 是一支好棒棒的 EU LCS 队伍
为了选手的权益和粉丝的付出,我们强力抵制 NA LCS 式的联盟化组织结构
如果 H2K 和其他队伍退出, Rito 一年至少会短少 $ 20亿美元的游戏相关收入,哼哼
而且,和 Rito 合作的转播协力者也会森77,哼哼
(因为 Rito 每年收的转播权利金是 $5 千万美元)
With H2K, since January of 2017, having already subsidized RIOT in excess of
€2,000,000, the current situation is not sustainable and cannot continue.
The partnership with RIOT is neither rational nor fair. As our partner, RIOT
should provide financial stability for the teams. The teams in the EU LCS
should not be expected to continue to subsidize a multi-billion dollar
对于 H2K 来说,从2017 年 一月,已经给了 Rito 超过 €2,000,000 (约七千万台币)
身为好伙伴, Rito 应该提供稳定的经济支援
不应该是 EU LCS 的队伍把钱掏出来,给一个几十亿资本额的公司
Accordingly, H2K ownership has made the decision that we will no longer
financially subsidize RIOT and will not continue in the EU LCS beyond the
2017 season UNLESS RIOT creates a new financial and operating structure. RIOT
must provide the EU LCS teams with the realistic opportunity to earn through
subsidies and revenue sharing, minimum compensation of at least €850,000 per
year. Recognizing that as teams we must perform and contribute to the success
of the league, we accept that a portion of the revenue sharing should be
based on competitive performance, viewership, effective branding activities
and other reasonable metrics. Also, critically important to the teams is that
any planned changes to the EU LCS structure planned by RIOT for 2018 and
beyond must actually increase the value of the legacy team slots and not
diminish them.
H2K 的经营者已经决定不会再给 Rito 钱钱了,并打算退出 EU LCS
除非 Rito 提出新的经济和经营合作结构
Rito 的每年收的钱和权利金分配补助,至少要给出 €850,000 (约两千九百万台币)
H2K ownership and management very much wish to continue in the EU LCS. We
have been patient partners with RIOT and they are fully aware of our concerns
which have been discussed for many months. We now look to RIOT to make the
changes dictated by fairness and common sense.
H2K 很希望继续打 EU LCS
Richard Lippe, Board Co Chairman H2K
Susan Tully, CEO H2K
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