[闲聊] 关于射手 @Meddler

楼主: fkc (Mr. 男子汉)   2017-02-13 15:03:03
两天前, R社鲤鱼王 Meddler 跳出来
延续之前 ADC in 2017 的相关话题
《Some follow up marksmen thoughts》
缩: https://goo.gl/vk5Xqb
Hi folks,
Figured it'd be good to touch base on our thoughts on Marksmen again after
talking about them at the start of the year.
Yo~年初我们聊过一次 ADC in 2017
◎Things that have changed since then:
Jungler influence is down due to nerfs to XP and other systems. We increased
jungler influence unintentionally in the pre-season and have been reducing it
to around previous levels since.
Courage of the Colossus is significantly weaker, reining back champions that
utilized it especially well in particular. Combination of that and jungle
stuff above's restored agency to a range of positions/champs, marksmen
巨人勇气 nerf 了一点,阻止许多利用这天赋的英雄继续肆虐
结合这个 Nerf 和野区的改动
各位置的英雄,影响力恢复到到应有的范围之内,包括 ADC;可喜可贺。
Lethality's been buffed since it wasn't serving the needs of a range of
physical damage dealers from multiple classes. That's given caster and early
game marksmen itemization to better serve their needs and we're seeing a lot
of success from them (and other lethality users) now as a result (too much so
in some cases).
先前由于物理致命的作用没有达到物伤角色的需求,所以 Buff 了
We've made some changes to individual marksmen where appropriate (Draven,
Kalista, Lucian, Trist etc).
☆Current thoughts:
Utility marksmen (e.g. Ashe) seem to be in a reasonable spot. Caster/early
game marksmen (e.g. MF) are performing strongly too, too well in some cases.
Crit using marksmen (late game AA focused) however may need further item work
(not straight buffs, but adjustments to who they're strong/weak against when).
功能型射手 (例如:艾希)目前的表现很合理
技能型/游戏前期射手 (例如:好运姊),表现优异,但有时候太强了
利用爆击的射手 (普攻型射手) 需要更进一步的装备更动
而是调整成: 随着游戏时间进行,角色应有的强/弱变化
Armor pen needs some followup changes after the Lethality buffs. Some of
that's Black Cleaver being too broadly appealing, leading to some excessive
strength sometimes when combined with Lethality. We'll be shifting BC to a
higher health/lower AD profile as a result. Longer term (mid season
potentially) we'll also likely take a larger look at the different armor pen
types. As a stop gap before that we're testing Last Whisper (the component of
Lord Dominick's and Mortal Reminder) having the same % pen as those upgrades,
but less AD as a safety valve against mid game armor stacking. plus a
reduction in the Lethality from Ghostblade and Masteries.
物理致命 buff之后,物理穿透(降物防)需要进一步更新
目前正在测试 最后耳语,打算保留原本的 %数物穿,但降低物伤
We'll also probably be nerfing some individual marksmen in the near future.
Corki and Jhin are the most likely candidates.
之后,会Nerf 一些射手角色,中枪的是库奇和烬
We'll be making changes to Fervor and Warlord's. Warlord's being an effective
default choice leads to a situation where you either take the thing that lets
you not lose lane or the thing that lets you be appropriately effective later
in the game IF you didn't get crushed too much in lane in the first place. We
want Warlord's to be more niche as a result.
天赋中的 军阀血嗜 和 战斗狂热 会进行改动
We're not seeing other classes edge marksmen out of bot lane. So far Ziggs is
the only mage getting meaningful play as a farming bot laner and, while he
looks a bit strong, we're still happy with his presence there. Long term
we'll likely look at whether there are a couple of other mages we could get
into bot lane in a similar way (tower taking power's probably some of the
answer there)
_(°ω°」 ∠)_
作者: cherrycheese ($50)   2017-02-13 15:18:00
END推 ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ

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