[闲聊] 积分何时采 10 Ban模式

楼主: fkc (Mr. 男子汉)   2017-02-10 22:03:50
17个小时前,LOL 官网公布的Ask Riot有提到这个问题
问)When is the 10-ban system coming to regular games (not pro)?
10 Ban 系统什么时候在玩家游戏正式上线?
答)We’re still a couple patches away from detailing the specifics of the 10-ban
system outside the pro scene. Increasing the number of bans has a different
set of goals for an organized team of players versus individual players on a
team. For now, here’s a look inside a few of the design thoughts around a
10-ban system for all draft queues.
目前距离 10 Ban上线,还需要几个 patch 更新
将 BAN 数提高到 10 Ban对于 组队玩家 和 个别单排玩家组成的队伍 而言
先说明 10 Ban 对积分对战的相关设计理念
Agency – Giving every player a ban should give everyone more control over
their game experience. While hard lane counters aren’t too common in League,
this means you can grab Tryndamere and not worry about Teemo ruining your day.
举例来说:玩家要选蛮王,只要运用手中的 BAN,就不用担心对面出T毛来毁灭世界。
Fairness – Your order in champ select is essentially a dice roll. We want to
make sure that no matter where you sit in the champ select order, there’s
less potential of feeling kinda disadvantaged. For instance, being second
pick on blue side is arguably the weakest position in the current system –
you don’t get a ban, and you’re fourth pick overall, so you aren’t
especially likely to get a power pick or a counter pick.
举例而前:蓝方的第二 Pick,是被认为目前最烂选角位置
这个顺位的玩家,没有 Ban 权,又是第四个选角的玩家
Time – We’re not aiming directly for a time reduction in champ select, but
we’re always looking for new ways to shave seconds off anything from getting
into game. Adding four more bans to the system in the same format could stack
up to two extra minutes between clicking ready and hitting the loading
screen, but that’s not the direction we want to go. We could counteract this
by shortening the ban window, but stacking even more time pressure when your
proposed ban gets sniped by the enemy team feels bad.
多加 4 Ban 于现在的积分系统之中,时程大约会多耗费两分钟
虽然可以靠这减少 BAN 角时间来缩短相关时程
但当对方将我方的 BAN 角目标先行 BAN 掉的时候
We know changes like this have far-reaching implications so we’re proceeding
cautiously – we’ll have more to share in the coming weeks.
‘没有错啦! 这是一篇废文’
_(°ω°」 ∠)_
我觉得 10 Ban不错啊,屁孩角都 Ban 掉
咦? 好像超过 10 个了

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