Santana9 (两口空空 跑路去)
2016-10-31 11:41:51https://goo.gl/WXKGRt
EDward Gaming’s mid laner Heo “Pawn” Won-Seok has announced his departure
on social media.
Pawn posted on Facebook that he will be leaving EDG after two years of being
part of the League of Legends Pro League in China.
“During my two years in EDG there were a lot of tough moments but I won a
lot of tournaments and even learned a little Chinese, so I think it was time
well spent,” he wrote. “If I had any regrets, it would be that we lost
against the ROX Tigers without being able to a single game. I want to thank
EDG for taking care of me for two years and I hope they have more success
next year.”
Pawn also revealed that his future was still up in the air, but that he
wanted to compete at worlds again while taking care of his back.
“I don’t know what team I’ll be a part of next year, but I will work hard
to show an even better performance for worlds. As for my back, I’ve been
taking good care of it so I don’t expect it to be a problem during practice
or competition.”
He lastly thanked the fans for their support.
遗憾的是S6 8强赛对上ROX ,一场比赛都没得打
个人心得: 厂长的干爹跑了,该怎么办. 另外传闻Deft也要离队了
明年EDG 要挖哪些顶级韩援呢???