BY FAR回合完了, 换OG JG AMAZING回合, 他连发了几条推特:
"Considering that Forg1ven takes the right to spill the beans: sudden success
doesn't write [right] the wrongs."
他有权利发放消息, 但是突然的成功并不代表他讲的说话没错。
(太多双关语了, 有错讲指正QQ)
"Tension between our botlane existed, so a decision had to be made. Hybrid
impacted less people negatively so he got to stay. Simple as that."
下路(应该是指BY FAR还在OG的时候)一直存在紧张的关系, 所以我们需要做出一些决定。
他们两者之中, HYBRID为团队带来的负面影响比较小, 所以我们就留他, 就是这么简单。
".@ryokyler I 'd rather kick one guy than to know for certain that the team
would break apart with the other."
回某人: 我宁愿踢走一个人, 总比整队被闹到支离破碎的好。
OG的回合完了, 等BY FAR下一个回合。