[闲聊] REDDIT热议: 超越钻2球的天才出现了

楼主: coolplus (cool)   2016-09-07 20:26:09
原文连结: https://redd.it/51jsf9
就刚好小云车长那篇聊到NL, 刚好REDDIT又有一篇说NL?的冲上REDDIT第一页,
又刚好有人私信说有兴趣看, 所以来翻翻好了XD
标题: 我们都知道钻2球, 现在可以见证1个钻4的ADC打世界赛了
还是有很多老外在嘴NL XD, 以下是精选嘴NL的简单翻译:
D1 w/ a 49% win-rate is still trash for a competitive AD player.
有人回PING的问题, 之后老外回应:
so? all the other LMS players have no problem making masters/challenger. The
reality is he's just a bad player, its been that way for a long time
所以呢? 很多LMS选手上大师/精英都不是问题。 (HKE:...)
事实就是他真的是很差的选手, 已经是烂很久了。
Yeah, but he statistically loses more than he wins. 41% win-rate Ezreal, 42%
win-rate Jhin? Oh boy.
Sadly enough, his highest win-rate champs (and probably how he even reached
D1 given his garbage win-rates on other champions) are Graves / Gragas. Not
even ADCs.
是, 但数据上他是输>赢。EZ只有41%胜率, 烬只有42%胜率, 天阿。
更惨的是, 他胜率最高的是葛雷夫/酒桶, 这些都不是ADC角。
NL = Neverlucky
Less than 50% win rate with over 600 games played...
GL in McDonalds Flash Wolves.
10 games played on LeBlanc, 0% winrate, lol.
玩10场Leb 0胜这也被发现了
I highly doubt he is actually D4 level even though it looks like he's stuck.
I mean you don't get pentakills in the LMS if you're legit D4 and you don't
compete with Kramer for the starting position on a top 2 LMS team.
我很怀疑他是不是钻4等级, 虽然他看起来好像卡住了。我意思是如果他只有钻4水平怎能
在LMS拿到PENTA KILL, 他又怎样跟KK竞争先发的位置了。
I mean, what has he done in his pro career? 2 LMS titles, 1 IEM title, MSI
semifinals, Worlds quarterfinals... Clearly he is D4 level.
到底他生涯做了什么呢? 2次LMS冠军, 打了1次IEM, MSI 4强, 世界赛8强...都很清楚证明
In the future he has the potential to be a starter, but he should be replaced.
他将来可能有潜力当先发... 但现在他是应该要被取代。
He has definitely had his moments. But a team with absolute beasts like
swordart, karsa and maple deserves a really good adc.
他可能有他很强的时候, 但蛇蛇/KARSA/MAPLE值得要一个好的ADC
之后其他FW的人的ID被贴出来, 以下是他们的反应:
Seems like they love anime, this guys...
More specifically, voice actors.
正确来说, 是声优
当然也有一些护航的, 但时间关系就不翻了QQ
FW, NL世界赛加油 打脸老外
作者: gomidonnsine (ゴミ丼不倒台湾不会好)   2016-09-07 20:28:00
作者: tom501062003 (池袋情报商)   2016-09-07 20:31:00
叉烧: 大部分的人都看不懂这个游戏
作者: kevinire0113 (Crowz)   2016-09-07 20:32:00
台湾乡民嘴嘴就算了 外国人嘴不能忍 加油 打爆他们
作者: poiu0987yaaa   2016-09-07 20:32:00
就等著看FW下路被杀翻 呵呵 这次一堆比CLGAD强的
作者: AndstoCarter (安斯铎‧卡特)   2016-09-07 20:32:00
monte害的 XD
作者: cherrycheese ($50)   2016-09-07 20:34:00
国际知名AD NL (咦
作者: letyouselfgo (坚持才知为何)   2016-09-07 20:58:00
作者: corupted5354 (corupted5354)   2016-09-07 21:22:00
就是个垃圾选手 靠中野死撑著
作者: MillerReggie (大嘴米勒)   2016-09-07 21:58:00
惨的是钻一那只酒桶 葛雷夫是KARSA打的扣掉KARSA打的战绩 一定比49%低不少
作者: Mingming1258 (铭铭)   2016-09-08 02:01:00
我以为有人会去推文NL=NA Level

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