大家好 我是欧雷! Hi guys! I am olleh!
大家好 我是欧雷! 嗨 大家! 我是 欧雷 !
Many fans sent messages to me after i failed to go to playoff.
Actually, Our team was not stable...
事实上 我们的队伍并不稳定
We could make draw against strong teams but we made draw against other teams.
我们可以和强队打成平手 但我们打其他队伍也还是平手
I was absolutely dumbfounded when i lost against MSE by minions.
当我们因为小兵输了和MSE的比赛时 我真的吓傻了
I felt like god doesn't want to let me play at this playoff...
I just accepted it and didn't lose myself.
then I decide to read more books and take care of my teammates and girlfriend
之后下一步我决定读更多的书 并更关心我的队友们和女友
for next steps.
So, I hope you to not worry about me.
所以 我希望你们不要担心我
At first, I wanted to speak chinese well in this season but i failed.
一开始 我想要在季赛时把中文说得很好 但我没做到
I am disappointed to myself about it. But i will keep studying it hard!
我对自己很失望 但我会继续用功读书
相信我吗?? 哈哈哈哈
相信我吗?? 哈哈哈哈
I believe our team will be much stronger at next season.
因为Raison&olleh bot duo is coming! yeap 雷雷
因为雷神和欧雷下路双人组要来了! 是的 雷雷
Btw, It's hard to use my fan page after i post about Tzuyu.
顺带一提 自从我po了关于子瑜的贴文后 我就很难使用我的粉丝专页了
So If you guys want to know my news , just follow my personal facebook.
所以如果你们想要知道我的消息 只需要追随我的个人脸书
Thank you for reading my post and I want to write long post with chinese one
谢谢你们看我的贴文 然后我想要有一天我能写篇很长的中文动态
day! Have a nice day guys and 小心感冒!
祝你们有个美好的一天 和 小心感冒!