Waitaha (Waitaha)
2016-03-10 17:21:07【LMS 职业联赛】LMS 聚光灯:2016 春季赛第 6 周
I. Standings
本周以 HKE 挑战 ahq 揭开序幕,ahq 的 14 连胜佳绩终被 HKE 一贯风格 1:1 平局击碎
。HKE 第一场 ban 掉极灵与露璐,小安首选毫不犹豫拿走寇格魔,让 MapleSnow 果断派
出石头人进行有效压制。TPA 可说是经历开赛以来最轻松的ㄧ周,分别拿出 Yue 担任
TOP 对上 CGE,尔后又换回 Morning 出赛 MSE,老神在在夺下两胜。明显看出 Morning
近来打法越来越趋向体现团队精神,队友 Yue 于是转战 ECS(次级联赛)舞台。 XG 本
周的 0-4 战绩,让能否参加季后赛打上一个大问号。闪电狼战局方面,老战友 MMD 上场
和 Maple/Karsa 的传统组合彻底毁灭 MSE。
Ahq could not overcome the double curse of losing at the 15th game, and HKE’
s penchant for tying series. A risky draft into an early Kog’Maw pick with
both Lulu and Zilean banned out signaled a great game from MapleSnow’s
Malphite. TPA had the easiest week in their schedule, first placing Yue into
the top lane vs. CGE, then back to Morning versus MSE. Both turned in 2-0s,
with Morning playing noticeably more team oriented. Yue has since been moved
to ECS(the LMS challenger scene). XGamers on the other hand likely have had
their playoffs hopes dashed with a 0-4 week versus ahq and M17, the games
were hard fought and exciting, but the new squad still lacks the raw skirmish
power to overcome. Last, but not least, Flash Wolves brought back MMD and the
old Maple/Karsa combo to demolish MSE.
II. Meta 分析 Meta Watch
本周 12 场赛事古拉格斯获颁全勤奖,蓝方队伍全数将酒桶纳入旗下,更包含 9 次首选
,集万千宠爱于一身。6.3 版本 Buff 加速酒桶清野怪的速度,“附魔:偃月”固然过
于 OP,酒桶大绝不管是 counter 或是保寇格魔都很好用,我们的酒桶大哥俨然是目前
meta 的核心人物。
Gragas has appeared in all 12 games this week, with the Blue team taking him
every single time, including 9 first picks. The combination of a faster clear
in the 6.3 buffs, Runic Echo being admittedly a bit strong, and the Explosive
Cask role in countering/complimenting Kog’Maw compositions just places him
at the heart of the meta.
“只要酒桶的 E 闪还在,不管任何时候他都有可能上场 ”
- 闪电狼分析师
“As long as Gragas keeps his E+Flash instant stun combo,
he will be played whenever he is even marginally viable.” - FW Analyst
另一位 12 场全勤奖得主就是我们的克黎思妲,原因不外乎为史特拉克手套的崛起。克黎
,克黎思妲可说是最适合史特拉克手套的 AD 。除此之外,克黎思妲是撇开乌尔加特以外
Another champion that has appeared in all twelve games this week is Kalista.
The reason: the rise of popularity in the Sterak’s build. Kalista is
probably the best AD for Sterak’s. Being short ranged and focusing on
sustained damage, she gets the most from Sterak’s defensive abilities that
prolong the fight. Also worthy to note is that Kalista has the best starting
and scaling base AD values aside from Urgot in the marksmen category, which
gives her an additional edge.
过去四场比赛 Westdoor 唯一指定用劫出战,劫神的疾风残影让我们一饱眼福。有趣的是
,包含 Westdoor 在内,目前没人选择暮色黑刃。Westdoor 认为,黑刃的合成途径、整
Westdoor 的哲学是,劫已经不需要更多的攻击伤害,应增加逮住对方的能力。
Westdoor has played nothing but Zed for the past four games, giving us a
dazzling display of Shadow play. Interestingly enough, Duskblade of Draktharr
has failed to make an appearance into Zed’s inventory(or any champion
inventory for that matter). According to Westdoor “Duskblade has an inferior
gold value and build path compared Yommu’s, and as long you can kill the
target the passive is useless. MS and CDR on Black Cleaver and chasing
potential on Blade of the Ruin King are both better.” In his eyes, Zed
really doesn’t need more damage, but the ability to get to the right targets.
III. 每周 MVP Player of the Week
Maple 跟 Karsa 重回传统的美好,选择刺客角与强势单挑打野来击败 MSE。结果就是
Maple 本周完美演出,贡献闪电狼全队击杀数的 40% 。这也许是我最爱的闪电狼组合,
Maple and Karsa went back to tradition this week, picking assassins and
dueling junglers to trounce Midnight Sun. The result: a flawless series for
Maple, carrying 40.1% of his team’s kills. This is probably my favorite
version of the Flash Wolves, playing comps and strategies that rely on action
early and mechanical outplays. It’s in these moments you realize how special
the Flash Wolves really are, because there simply aren’t many teams in the
world that have the caliber of talent to pull this off.
"我有段时间没用勒布朗了,但她感觉有点 OP"
"I haven't played LeBlanc for a while, but I think she might be pretty strong."
"After testing that game what do you think about her now?"
"她是真的很 OP"
"She is pretty strong."
-闪电狼 Maple 勒布朗完赛后感想
-FW Maple on his first LeBlanc game this season
IV. 每周最精彩 Game of the Week
XG vs. M17 Game 2
从多层方面来说,这场比赛对 M17 非常重要。首先是 Jungle 新人 Taizan 与 AD Dee
本季表现最好的一场比赛。以赛季成绩来说本周 4-0 领先 XG, M17 为争夺季后赛门票
吞下一颗定心丸。几次精彩的会战,证明 Machi 已经从 Dreamer 的大砲独秀进化成砲火
This game is significant for M17 in a number of ways: this is the best
performance yet from rookie jungler Taizan and Dee all split, It also marks a
4-0 series victory over XG, which gives them a major lead when contesting a
playoff spot. The teamfighting here is just breathtaking and it really shows
how Machi has came from Dreamer’s team into squad that can fire on all
“We wanted to camp SuwaKo all along, so I just asked bot to play safe.”
- M17 Jungler Taizan
“因为我们原本就是要住爆 SuwaKo,所以就请下路龟一点。”
- M17打野,Taizan