Kiyume (綺夢)
2016-03-08 16:27:13※ 引述《a2364983 (小可怜)》之铭言:
: 官方情报
: http://goo.gl/cXQ290
: Announcing the rotating game mode queue
即将推出 特殊模式循环
: http://i.imgur.com/wY6sLEK.jpg
: From the original clone-tastic One For All to the frenetic manatee magic of
: Ultra Rapid Fire, featured game modes provide unique spins on the classic
: League formula. Now, more than two years after the debut of our first game
: mode, we’re announcing a rotating queue that’ll bring the alternative
: action on weekends with a suite of familiar game modes and maybe a fresh face
: or two.
: We’ve specially tuned Champion Mastery so you can earn points in each mode,
: whether you’re summoning our poro overlord in Legend of the Poro King or
: chaining Final Sparks in a One For All laser light show. Once Hextech
: Crafting and loot is live, because the rotating game mode queue is optimized
: for champ mastery, you’ll also be able to earn keys for your wins and loot
: chests for your (or your premade’s) S- -, S, and S+ games.
S- S S+的游戏中获得的海克斯宝箱。
: Rotating queue will join Classic and ARAM in an upcoming patch, but part of
: why we’re announcing it now is because two years in a row, we delivered the
: Ultra Rapid Fire game mode in increasingly absurd ways. While we’re pretty
: sure you aren’t going to believe us anyway, we’re telling you right now
: that URF will not return on the first of April. We’re not quite ready to
: announce the full slate of game modes that’ll feature in the new Rotating
: queue, but we are ready to share that Ultra Rapid Fire will appear at least
: twice in 2016.
: As for the other modes, we’ll publish the schedule ahead of time once it’s
: locked down, but we wanted to get in front of any ultra rapid speculation
: this year so you know you’ll be slapping buttons with a spatula eventually,
: just maybe not when you were expecting it.
: We’re excited for the debut of Rotating queue, so stay tuned for the first
: rotation schedule and let us know what modes you’re hoping to see make it!
: 另外一则消息 官方在找人测试新接口(内有图)
: 有些人会收到信 选手/媒体/高端玩家 优先
: http://riot.com/1Rx3MZp
: 这次接口的改动是主接口跟大厅都有 不限于排进游戏
: 再来就是美服6.5更新3/9要上了 不知台服会慢多久
测试图中打ARAM 17/0/4 67CS 六件装的犽宿 那一大堆装备到底是从哪里生出来的