alankira (å°è‰¾)
2015-10-12 13:08:02简单翻一下。
※ 引述《nsysukober (安安)》之铭言:
: Dyrus
: Sadly pick leaks aren't uncommon it doesn't effect the outcome only off of it
: but it does tilt the team and lowers the chance of winning.
很衰小地被透漏选角策略并不是罕见的事(Tabe: ... | Crumbzz: ...),也不会是影响
: Even though i won't be dropped the 17 page bomb on other people i will still
: talk about the mistakes i made throughout my career. Of course it won't all
: be negative there are a lot of funny stories to tell too.
虽然我不会丢出17页的炸弹文来轰炸别人(Link: ...),但我也不排斥谈论我职业生涯犯
按:是说Dyrus你好意思说别人吗XD Dig那件事主角也是你啊
: https://www.facebook.com/TSMDYRUSLOL?fref=nf
: TABE lol