安安!!各位键盘4000分的鲁蛇 键盘张嘉航 圣诞节提前报到囉!!!
圣诞礼物就是 不管你是被禁言多少场 3000 4000 还是超过9000
都会在5.18版本一一被解放 太神喇!!!
I read that all previous chat records will be wiped. Will this negatively
affect the chances of previously banned people being able to prove they had
reformed with whatever ranked rewards policy you guys are finalizing?
安安 听说5.18版本大家都会被解放 并且有资格拿积分奖励 请问是这样的吗
with the new Upgraded Restrictions we'll be introducing in 5.18, we'll be
resetting all active Chat and Ranked Restrictions. Consider this a fresh
start for players with any current Chat or Ranked Restrictions because as
long as they stay sportsmanlike and do not get new Chat or Ranked
Restrictions by the End of Season, they'll get Ranked Rewards.
安安你好 的确是这样没错 我们将会在5.18版本推出新版本的限制系统
请把这当成全新的开始,因为如果你在5.18后当个乖宝宝别再被禁言 你可以拿奖励喔