[情报] 官方红帖 - 滑板鞋雷珂煞谈削弱、新附魔

楼主: UDHD   2015-06-29 08:23:24
Meddler on Kalista and Rek'Sai (Meddler对于雷珂煞与克黎思妲的看法)
When asked if the balance team has any plans for Kalista and Rek'Sai, Meddler
"We're assessing the best way to trim a bit of power off both Kalista and
Rek'Sai this week.
Current thinking with Rek'Sai is that the frequency with which she knocks up
multiple enemy champs may be too high. We're going to test a smaller W radius
as a result.
In Kalista's case we're looking at her power curve, with the working theory
being that she spikes in power too hard with early AD."
As of the 6/26 PBE update, the Rek'Sai W nerf is on the PBE. Her knock up
area for Unburrow was reduced to 160 from 200.
在 6/26 PBE 中,雷珂煞的W已经被削弱了,击飞范围由 200 减少至 160。
Veigar R VFX size based on AP (维迦R的大小取决于AP?)
Meddler also commented on the fun idea of having Veigar's R projectile become
visually larger based on the amount of ability power Veigar has.
Honestly i love Deleting people with Veigar but it looks like such a tiny
particle unless you use Final Boss Veigar.
So make it so his Primordial Burst scales size with AP
so like, 45 Units larger per 100 AP. It's only Visual, but still, as a
magekiller shouldn't his Ult look larger as he scales his AP, showing the
fear he instills on AP Mid Laners everywhere?
Seems like a solid idea to me. We'll throw that into some playtests, see if
it feels right in game. That'll likely involve a smaller than current missile
at zero AP, same size as current at moderate amounts of AP and bigger than
current above that."
He continued:
"Yeah, version in testing's got a cap around the 2k mark.
Also, just to avoid setting unrealistic expectations, I do need to
emphasize this is still the in 'cool
thing we're trying' category, not the 'definite change in an
upcoming patch' one."
Sated Devourer Discussion (新附魔讨论:满足的噬魂者)
没看过的请先服用:6/26 PBE
The 6/26 PBE update introduced several changes for Enchantment: Devourer,
including it transforming into a new Sated Devourer item after reaching a
certain amount of stacks. Sated Devourer has a new unique passive called
"Phantom Hit" that causes every other basic attack to trigger a phantom
attack that triggers all on hit effects a second time.
6/26 PBE 有关于附魔:噬魂的许多改动,最主要的就是累积达一定层数会升级成新道具
这件事,这新附魔有一个唯一被动称为"Phantom Hit",它会让你每2下基本攻击会额外造
[新] 附魔:满足的噬魂者 (Sated Devourer)
- 由 附魔:噬魂 叠加30层后转变而成
- 增加50%攻速
- 命中额外造成 60 魔法伤害
- +30击杀大型野怪金钱奖励
新被动 - Phantom Hit: 每两次"基础攻击"时会额外触发一次"60魔法伤害"的普攻。
Following Sated Devourer's PBE debut, Meddler jumped on the boards to clear
up a few concerns;
When asked how the item interacts with things like Sheen and Nasus Q, Meddler
So, will champs with abilities that modify their next basic attack, like
Poppy, Darius, Garen, Rengar, Nasus essentially have the damage from the
ability doubled if it lands with a phantom proc?
No, those abilities will all be unaffected, since the normal auto attack will
consume the buff in question. This is basically two auto attacks back to
back, where the second one has no base damage and therefore only applies on
Hit effects. Things like Nasus Q, Sheen etc therefore apply to the first auto
attack, get consumed, and aren't around for the second attack.
而触发的伤害不会有基本的1.0AD但是会有 普攻+On-Hit 的效果。所以像纳瑟斯的Q或是
Meddler also reminded that Phantom Hit only works with BASIC ATTACKS so
things like Ezreal's Q or Warwick's R - which are not basic attacks - would
not proc it:
The phantom attack on sated Devourer's a bit more specific than other on Hit
abilities. It only applies on basic attacks, so things like Warwick ult,
Ezreal Q, and GP Q that aren't basic attacks but do apply on hits won't
trigger the phantom attack. They will still apply the normal Devourer magic
damage on hit of course.
Meddler也提醒了,Phantom Hit只会因"基础攻击"而发动,所以像是伊泽瑞尔Q、沃维克R
As for if this means that Blade of the Ruined King's on hit effect is doubled
every other attack, he noted:
does that means that with every aa botrk will deal 16% current hp?
Meddler also noted that for charging abilities like Aatrox's W, Sated
Devourer would essentially double the stacks gained on hit to proc the
effect whenever Phantom Hit triggers:
My guess is that it will speed up how often he procs his W passive, I don't
imagine the passive procing twice in rapid succession.
That's correct. Aatrox will proc his W effect every second attack, instead of
every third."
Meddler 还有提到,像是厄萨斯W、贾克斯R、易大师被动这类普攻次数触发的技,会不会
受到Phantom Hit的影响:
作者: jeffrey40504 (Argus)   2015-06-29 09:12:00
到底为啥一直砍干 砍e砍q砍体质砍w 干全部加起来吃不到1ad基伤也不高cc只一个砍三小干
作者: tio2catalyst (可可)   2015-06-29 09:14:00
看太腻了+1,jg ad就那几只
作者: marginal5566 (麻吉扭5566)   2015-06-29 11:41:00
Rek这也可以改 砍一点伤害都还好 砍cc=GG

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