Unlimited(SUP) announces his intent to leave.
My career update
Yesterday after we finished our game and returned to the gaming house i
voiced my desire to step down, the truth is i was thinking about it before
this week's LCS started but i did not want to bring another blow to the
morale of the team that would affect the results.
There are countless of reasons for me to do that, and very few to keep
One is that i have not been able to perform to my teams standards, and more
importantly to my own standards for a long time, leading to disappointment
after each LCS week and considering retiring between every split. The only
reason i didn't was my loyalty to the team.
Which leads me to the next point, after 2 of my closest friends and teammates
in the team are leaving it is now officially not the same team anymore, so my
driving force of the obligation i felt to do everything in my power to keep
the team going is just not there anymore.
Then there are the leaks, of course most of the stuff i read were things that
i suspected already, but still seeing a proof of them definitely feels
different, i felt betrayed and alienated, not to mention this drama barely
scratches the surface.
And to finish it off, i always felt like my talents would be much more useful
as a coach than as a player i always spend countless of time theory-crafting
and preparing for our opponents, only to end up not sleeping well and
under-performing because of that, but i stayed as an active player because i
thought my team needed me to, but now i realize that is not the case.
There are many more reasons for my decision, but i already wrote sort of an
essay and i don't want to make you read 15 pages, who would do that right?? :P
I will stick around in case a suitable replacement is not found, but
ultimately i will spend some time evaluating my options because being pro in
league for me is a dream, and some day i will have to wake up and face
reality, but i just want to keep watching this sweet dream a bit longer
before the alarm goes off.