[电竞] 2015 LMS 夏季联赛 Week 4 Spotlight

楼主: meisi (meisi)   2015-06-14 22:40:30
【LMS 职业联赛】2015 LMS 夏季联赛 Week 4 Spotlight
LMS 第四周仿佛身处战国,共计 6 支队伍的积分差距在两分以内,而本周的对战结果
将决定谁是联盟老三,与 ahq、闪电狼三分天下。
Week 4 featured two epic struggles: Six teams within two points of each other
clobbering-it out for third place, and the spring finals rematch between AHQ
and Flash Wolves.
【2015 LMS Smmer Split VODs, Schedule and Highlight 】
1. 第三周战绩排行 Week 3 Standings
第四周一开始就是殒落王者之间的对决,TPA 在官方排名中实力垫底,而 HKE 上周积分
敬陪末座。AS 在游戏前期与闪电狼打得有来有往,直到 SwordArt 用牛牛截断了 BeBe
的输出,这才为游戏打开僵局。Maplesnow 对上 MSE 时选出蓝宝, 打成 1:1。HKE 在游
戏内的表现渐入佳境,从 LGS手中拿下了俐落的两胜,Raison 也打出了 12/0/5 的战绩
。Chawy 用破甲箭射穿了 Mac 的防守阵线,第二场却没有提防“极神 Dee” 用崔斯塔娜
快速推线,因而打成了平手。最终,由 HKE 夺下了老三的位置。
The week kicked off with two former playoff teams TPA and HKE.TPA was
unceremoniously placed last in this week’s lolesports power rankings, while
HKE was last in circuit points; neither gained a better position as they
split the series. AS looked strong early vs. FW with a poke comp until
SwordArt broke the siege to sweep the series. AS then forced a draw with MSE,
with Maplesnow’s Rumble making the best impression. HKE then rallied behind
a 12/0/5 performance from their Korean AD Raison to take down LGS 2:0. TPA
played their second draw of the week against MAC.
Toyz:“希望我们能多拿一些 2:0、少一点平手。”
“We’re looking for less ties and more sweeps.” - Toyz
周五深夜,Garena 电竞馆座无虚席。西门用阿璃迎战 Maple 这位后辈奇才的劫,然而,
最后却是 Ziv 的茂凯夺走了光环,除了对线大幅领先 MMD,这位传送精算师挟带着深厚
的经验为 ahq 打开赢面。第二场,闪电狼换上了牛排,无奈 ahq 却召唤出雷兹教练,
Ziv 与教练人机一体顺利维持不败。目前,仅剩 TPA 有机会阻止 ahq 在第一轮拿到全胜
The last series of the week between AHQ and FW was played in front of a
sold-out crowd at Garena stadium. Westdoor rose to Maple’s assassin
challenge, picking Ahri to fight off the prodigy’s Zed. However it was Ziv’
s Maokai stole the show, outlaning MMD and blowing the game open with
teleports. Flash Wolves responded by swapping in Steak, but still let Ziv
take over the second game. Only TPA now stands to prevent AHQ from sweeping
the league in the first round.
2. Meta 动向 Meta Watch
LMS Receives a Second Spot for Worlds
本单元多着重在游戏内的趋势动态,但我们想要挪点篇幅来讨论这件事对 LMS 可能产生
手来说构成一股推力 ─ 比起留在台湾,到中国或许能得到更多发展空间;但现在,留在
LMS 是个不错的选择,而他们也有更多动力朝梦想迈进、让这个区域重返荣耀。
韩国高端选手也将重新把 LMS 纳入选单,韩国选手到 LPL 发展或许是趋势,但当 EDG、
iG 几乎卡死了世界赛席位,在台湾另辟蹊径成了极大的诱因;此外,比起搭机来回遥远
队伍的身分认同就仍不容置疑,我们期待外援为 LMS 注入新活力。
While this segment usually focuses on in-game trends, it is hard not to talk
about format changes that have the potential to reshape the region. Doubling
the chances for a ticket to Worlds will spike the interest of sponsors and
teams alike, but the most important change is likely the impact on rosters.
This move will fundamentally change the way talent flows between the east
Asian regions.
Taiwanese talent that had once considered moving elsewhere might find it hard
to deny themselves a chance to rekindle the glory of Season 2. Korean
veterans in the LPL will likely see a less challenging path in Taiwan than to
go through the likes of EDG and iG. And for warriors fresh out of PC bangs,
traveling one time zone should sound much better than crossing fourteen to
LA. Legends were written here once, they can be written again.
Riot Magus:“过去台港澳只能在 GPL 中争取资格,基于 LMS 队伍于历史上与当前的表
“Based on historical and recent performance, we feel that LMS merits the two
seeds that it historically earned through the GPL” -Riot Magus
Jayce & Varus
LMS 队伍可以根据阿祈尔分成两类,一类使用它、一类封锁它。众多中路选手中 Achie
显得相当特殊,他是少数放出沙皇并拿出 counter 角对付他的人。杰西是 Achie 在 S3
的 main 角,本周皮尔托福之光激进的表现,极有效地压制了 Maple 在对线期的发挥。
Achie 的杰西结合 BeBe 的艾希、再配上 Maplesnow 能够拉打的蓝宝,这阵容掌握了
poke 精髓。
There are two types of teams in the LMS, those that play Azir and those that
ban him. Achie is the one of the few mids give you the flexibility to leave
the emperor open while providing a counter. A Jayce main from season 3, he
outlaned Maple’s Azir with aggressive trading. Achie’s poke champions have
given AS a focused poke playstyle with BeBe’s Ashe and Maplesnow’s Rumble
at the wings.
On playing with double ADs “Usually I die, or Bebe dies, we really just need
one of us alive.” -Achie
上路帝王 Stanley 花了几周暖身,这礼拜终于解除封印,有了截至目前为止最好的作品
。帝王从 LPL 取经,带上重击并玩起坦型小鱼人,他充分发挥出分推的功能并提供游戏
前期极大的团战压力,带领 HKE 赢得本季第一个系列赛。
注:本周比狼粉更加失落的莫过于维克特本人,他的战绩每况愈下 ( 0W 11L)。我们衷心
建议 Riot 推出维克特 TW 造型,以缅怀那些勇于挑战魔咒的 LMS 选手:Toyz、Chawy、
Stanley, nicknamed “Emperor of the Top Lane”, has been warming up in the
past weeks. He had his best showing yet against LGS picking up Fizz to carry
his team to their first 2:0 performance. Armed with new smite/tank build from
LPL, Fizz provides a strong split push option while having much better team
fight presence early.
Runner Up: Viktor continued his disastrous showing, and is now 0 for 11. It
doesn’t seem to matter who plays him either, with 6 mid laners failing.
Viktor is now dubbed by viewers “the Curse of LMS”.
3. 本周之星 Player of the Week
9.83 CSD@10, 1st among all Players
Out Damaged his lane opponent by 21K on Ryze
经验令 Ziv 更上层楼。在 MSI 与 Koro、Huni、Marin 交手后,“台湾第一上路”的称
号非他莫属。Ziv 在游戏前十分钟领先的 CS 数居全联盟之冠,除此之外,他也 carry
了 ahq 对上闪电狼的比赛。闪电狼在系列赛中场更换上路选手,这是他们在联赛中初次
Ziv’s experience has only made him stronger. After facing off with Koro,
Huni and Marin at MSI, he has returned to Taiwan as the unquestioned best top
laner. Leading the League in CS differential at 10 minutes, he also carried
his team over Flash Wolves by winning from top lane. Flash Wolves rotating
out MMD for Steak is the first time a team has felt the need to swap players
mid-series. While, yes, we understand that playing Ryze will make you look
good, it still takes brains to make TP plays.
“Ryze is a balanced champion… a very, very, very balanced champion.”
4. 焦点赛事 Game of the Week
AHQ vs. FW Game 2
Ziv 释出了雷兹 ─ 此版本最强势的英雄。游戏初期,闪电狼惯用的调线与塔下四人
dive 确有功效,拿到了 4 颗人头与一座防御塔,这却使 Ziv 在线上毫无对手的情况下
,取得 CS 的绝对优势。之后,ahq 不放过任何压制赫克林的机会,刻意将双人线调到
Steak 所在之处,塔数也很快地超前。25:40 发生了关键会战,分推的 Ziv 从四人夹杀
中生还,接着传送回战场击杀 Maple、夺得巴龙。稍后,闪电狼虽打出几次不错的团战,
然而 Mountain 的操作仍截断了狼群逆转的机会。这个系列赛呈现了 ahq 深层的战略思
维,Westdoor 也重新拿出爱角回应闪电狼擅长的换线节奏。这场赛事我们衷心推荐。
Game 2 started with bad omens for Flash Wolves. Forced to ban out Westdoor’s
Fizz and AN’s Kalista, they had to gamble with Ziv’s Ryze and take the
cursed Viktor for Maple. FW succeeded in their usual gamble of playing a
diving lane swap, going up 4-1 very early in the game with a tower lead.
However it did allow Ziv to acquire a massive cs lead over Steak. AHQ then
intelligently folded their duo lane into Steak’s Hecarim whenever they
could, quickly gaining the upper hand in towers. The deciding play happens at
25:40 where a split pushing Ziv managed to evade a four man gank, then
teleport back into the fray to slay Maple and secure Baron. The Wolves fought
a number of close team fights afterwards, but couldn’t get over Mountain’s
team fight mechanics. This series showcased the growing strategical depth of
AHQ, from Westdoor revisiting old champions for answers to countering lane
swaps. Strongly recommended for all league lovers.
作者: westdoor5566 (西门56)   2015-06-15 00:12:00
好有趣 推啊

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