VINR (光头)
2015-06-13 14:30:34文章连结:http://www.team-8.net/news/27/
We are sorry to announce that Andrew 'Slooshi8' Pham will be taking a leave
of absence from Team 8 due to his mother being sick. Slooshi would prefer to
keep details of the emergency private for now, and we hope that the LoL
community will be respectful of that request. As a founding member of our
team, Slooshi has remained an integral part of our roster, and it is with a
heavy heart that we see him leave. Slooshi will play this weekend (June
13th/14th), but will be flying to Canada afterwards in order to spend time
with his mother and the rest of his family. We have already chosen a
substitute to fill in during Slooshi's absence, which we will announce in the
coming days.
"All of us here at Team 8 feel very bad that this has happened, and hope with
all of our hearts that things will work out for Slooshi and his family. With
that said, we are going to do everything we can to support Slooshi as he
deals with this situation, and will do our very best to honor him as we
compete in the LCS." -Eric 'LovePentaKills8 ' Ma - Team 8 Manager
"Due to the nature of Slooshi's situation, we will not be rushing him to get
back until he is ready, and thus we will be using a sub week 4 and possibly
onwards. As much as we would like to use him, we want Slooshi to be able to
have a clear mind and be able to focus, and that would be extremely hard in
the situation he is in at the moment. We already have a substitute lined up
for week 4, and are confident in his ability to fill our needs while Slooshi
is with his family. Team 8 appreciates everyones understanding, and we will
do everything we can to make the best of the situation." -Chad 'History
Teacher' Smeltz - Team 8 Coach
"I'm sorry to be taking this leave of absence, but it is what I have to do
because of my mother being sick. Thanks so much to all the fans who have
supported me and my team." -Andrew 'Slooshi8' Pham - Team 8 Mid Laner
To our team and many others in the community, Slooshi is much more than a mid
laner. He is a friend, comrade, and friendly spirit who keeps us smiling
every day. We hope that you will all keep Slooshi and his family in your
thoughts, and we promise to fight hard for him as we finish out the split.