来源: http://redd.it/35rag4
最近SMEB在OP.GG弄了1个AMA, 之后就被人翻译贴了在REDDIT了
所以就再来个英译中 (18禁的翻了怕被桶所以就跳过好了XD)
1.) Against SKT what was the 1 smebmeter TP about?
对SKT的时候, 怎么会有那个TP?
I was trying to press ignite but accidentally pressed TP. When i carry flash
TP is on D but when I carry ignite/smite my TP is on F
我个人的习惯是当我带FLASH的时候, TP放在D那里但当我带点燃/重击的话TP就设在F.
2.) Why did you play 3 irelia games in a row?
It seemed undoubtly overpowered in scrims...
3.) Hi Smeb Rank me the Top laners between Marin, Trace, and Shy
HI SMEB 请你排名一下以下这几位上路选手: MARIN, TRACE 及 SHY
They are all equally good so its hard to rank them, Marin's eyes are pretty
他们都是很好的选手我好难去排名他们, MARIN的眼睛很漂亮
4.) Do you have a girlfriend and I am also stuck in plat 3 any champion to
get me out?
No I have no GF and what lane do you main?
5.) How does it feel when Fans send you facebook messages?
Feels great!
6.) What do you do during your free time
I go out drinking, playing games and going to karaoke.
我会出去饮(酒), 玩以及去唱KTV
7.) GE uniforms with the Cat ears was a lasting memory for me did you like
GE那一套有猫耳的制服令我印象深刻, 你觉得怎样?
To be honest I wanted the games to end quickly
8.) Who do you think is the Best ADC in the world (Except for Pray)
你认为谁是全球最好的ADC? (除了PRAY之外)
Bangft (Bang + Deft)
9.) How do you think you rank up against other top laners in Korea
I only play well if I have confidence in myself so I always believe I am the
best when I play
我认为要玩得好的话就要保持自己有自信, 所以在比赛的时候我会跟自己说我是最好的上路
10.) I just love you
Hope you are not a guy...
11.) Who is the most hated jungler for a top laner
作为一个上路选手, 你最讨厌那位JG?
I hate all the Junglers that gank top
12.) How much do you get paid!!
Just enough to buy Fried Chicken!!
我的薪水只够买炸鸡 (啥?)
13.) What runes do you use when you play gnar?
I use AD runes with 19% atk speed
1) Who wins AD mundo or AP gnar 2) Any players you are close with besides
your team? 3) Do you play LOL with your old high school friends 4) Any other
sports you like? 5) Having your ideal GF or number 1 in solo que 6) Any words
for the summer split
1) AD蒙多对AP呐儿谁会赢?
2) 除了自己队友之外你到底跟谁比较熟?
3) 你会不会跟你以前高中的同学玩LOL?
4) 你有没有喜欢其他运动?
5) 2选1你想要1个理想中的女朋友还是要天梯第一?
6) 夏季赛你有什么话想说?
1) AP gnar wins with nashor 2) All the IM players and Marin 3) Sometimes
4) soccer 5) Ideal GF 6) I am going to kill them all
1) 如果出有纳什的话, AP呐儿会赢
2) 所有IM的队员+MARIN
3) 有时会
4) 足球
5) 理想中的女朋友
6) 我会打爆所有队伍
Please explain the cringe worthy video before game 3
Oh my Eyes
OH, 我的眼睛 (啥?)
Foreign teams have gotten better and GE did get eliminated at IEM, do you
personally think Korean team will do well at Worlds? Also What is your goal
for this year?
所以你认为韩国队伍会不会在S5世界赛可以有好成绩? 还有你今年的目标是?
Foreign teams got a lot better but if we prepare well we can do well.
Also my goal is to reach worlds!
国外的队伍的确有明显的进步但我认为如果我们准备好的话, 我们也可以做得很好
Best Top laner in Korea?
S M ?
How did you get to play LOL
I didn't want to play because I knew I would get addicted and after one
game...... rest is history
我不想玩的因为我知我会玩到上瘾 (其实不太明白这个是问什么先跳过)
Bro I love you!!
Please.. only like me
What is your reason for doing so poorly at IEM?
Because we are still not good enough
What do you think about the recent performances of Kuro and Lee?
If they practice and get back to their prime I believe they are the best
mid and jungler in the world
如果他们保持练习, 找回他们的手感我相信他们是最强的MID/JG
For MSI if SKT players' conditions were in a good state do you think they can
beat EDG? Also Which SKT line is the toughest? What do you think about CJ?
在MSI, 如果SKT他们保持一个良好的状态你认为他们可不可以打败EDG?
I believe if SKT players' were in a good condition they would have won
against EDG, I think the line up in the finals were tough/ Also CJ will do
well in summer
我觉得在决赛对SKT的那个阵容都很难对付 (BENGI, FAKER表示:...)