今日看到REDDIT有人翻译了贴在韩国INVEN有关GE对WE比赛之后的反应的文章 (崩溃文?)
看到没人贴就把它翻过来顺便赚一下赌本 (喂)
韩国原文连结: http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=128775&iskin=esports
韩文的部份就不抄过来了, 反正都是一堆口口口口口看不懂
另外因为翻出来的英文本来就怪怪的, 所以翻出来应该会更怪 (?)
1. Instead of worrying about uniforms, they should come back to KR and practice
lots to keep first place~
GE与其担心自己比赛穿什么衣服的话, 倒不如回韩国练习多点去保持自己的第一吧
2. How can we compare teams like this to last year's Samsung White
3. CN's 11st place(last place( > Korea's 1st place. lol to the "patriots"
telling people not to generalize things in the CJ game. We lost in the best
of 3 with our best team so now what are you gonna say? ?
中国第11>韩国第1... LOL 爱国的人不用讲CJ那场了.
我们最好的队伍已经在BO3输了, 还有什么好说的?!
4. I'm really excited for this year's LoL WC
喔喔... 我对今年的WC感到好兴奋阿~~~~
5. Yasuo is science
犽宿很科学 (似乎犽宿这PICK很不满的样子)
6. I won't watch LCK on Friday and Saturday. I'll watch LPL.
星期5跟星期6的LCK都不用看啦, 看LPL好了~~~
8. SIGH...
9. Wow Spirit...
10. The Chinese team won but why am I happy??? Spirit is finally free
虽然中国队伍赢了但我好开心阿???? 因为SPIRIT终于解套了~~~~
11. Look at the earthquakes that just happened at "patriots" houses
看一下刚刚受到地震冲击的爱国者的房子吧... (完全不懂这是什么梗.....
12. In the second game a lot of people are saying they lost cus of the Yasuo
pick. Are they all Bronze/Silvers that don't know how to look at a game???
They lost cus Smeb got rekt and Sion used his skills well. People blaming the
loss on Yasuo are idiots.
有很多人认为第2场输是因为犽宿这个PICK... 这些人都是铜学吗?
13. GE's first loss is to China
14. I miss the old Samsung
15. Is this what Brazil felt like when they lost 1:7...
my mental is exploding T.T
这是巴西人输1:7的感觉吗....? 我精神崩溃啦~~~
16. How the team changes if the roster changes