[外絮] IEM 位置分析,support篇

楼主: j33669 (这个下午有点无聊)   2015-03-13 18:20:43
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In many ways support is the position that I find most fun to analyze, the
reason being is that to accurately judge the strength of the player you have
to look at more than just KDA. I understand that it's hard to talk about
support players without ranking their duo partner right beside them and
believe me when I sat down to write I talk a lot about how they interact with
their respective ADC.
1.GorillA - GE Tigers
2.MadLife - CJ Entus
3.Lustboy - Team Solomid
4.Edward - Gambit Gaming
5.SwordArt - Yoe Flash Wolves
6.nRated - SK Gaming
7.YuZhe - Team WE
8.LemmonNation - Cloud 9
GorillA - GE Tigers(原文连结有卖萌图)
Don't let the adorable ears fool you, GorillA is probably the second best
player at this entire tournament, being trumped by only his lane partner
PraY. Many of my lists there sometimes isn't much difference between the
players, often times I put someone as 3 and someone else at 4 sometimes just
based on how I felt about them when writing down their names, GorillA is
another story though. Clear cut I think he is the best support player at this
tournament, his ability to roam deep into the enemy jungle and control vision
is some of the best in the world. My favorite thing about this player is the
depth and diversity of his play. We credit him for the innovative Janna pick,
but his proficiency on hard engage supports like Leona and heal/shield
supports like Nami and the above mentioned Janna is very high. I credit his
outstanding play to being one of the primary reasons the GE Tigers look as
amazing as they are, and dare I say GorillA might be the best support in the
world right now. This will be GorillA's second international tournament and I
think that will help calm the nerves of some of this teammates who have yet
to see international play.
adc PraY,我个人多数的排名有时候其实选手间的差异不大,大多时候我可能把某人排在
或者补血型如nami也是非常知名,我相信他出色的表现是ge tigers为什么能这么优秀的
MadLife - CJ Entus
For a brief beautiful moment it looked like MadLife was out of Space prison,
but the past few weeks it now seems he was just on parole. MadLife continues
to be one the best play making supports in Korea and even with an ADC player
who has shown much inconsistency MadLife is almost always a bright spot for
this CJ team. CJ as a team has been showing some meaningful weaknesses
despite what the LCK standings show, but MadLife has always had extreme
levels of game impact in his teams wins. His ability to set up entire plays
or create oppertunities for CJ to win a fight or start one where they have an
advantage is still something CJ can relay on for wins. With Space returning
to much of his sub par play the CJ bot lane will really need to fall back
onto MadLife's legendary mechanics and skill to win.
CJ可以依靠他制造play的技术来取胜,随着adc SPACE的回归,CJ下路组合非常需要
Lustboy - Team Solomid
It's no secret that I've been a fan of Lustboy since the days on Blaze and
ever since he joined TSM he's been probably the second best player on that
team besides Bjergsen. This year especially I've really enjoyed the way
Lustboy has evolved from just a protect the ADC style support, to one that
can also make cross map plays and control the vision that TSM uses to
dominate lanes and win games. I rank Lustboy so high on my list because I
think he is fantastic for all the reasons I listed above, but also for how
good he is at controlling Wildturtle, a player who on his own has gotten TSM
into trouble many times and has shown much need to grow. Lustboy in
lane with
Turtle creates a dynamic that works for what the team needs and because of
that he appears this high on my list.
Edward - Gambit Gaming
Gambit has been going through some obvious growing pains as a team, with a
new roster and different play style I give credit most to the two veterans on
Gambit for being able to keep the bleeding to a minimum as they reform.
Edward being one of those players that has provided stability and veteran
ability that the team has needed especially with an untested ADC. I think
Gambit's aggressive play style will show up big at IEM, and I think the
P1noyxEdward bot lane is one of the strongest at the tournament. Edward
continues to show how good he is at initiating team fights and creating picks
that I think many teams at IEM will be caught off guard if Edward decides to
return to the glory days of going full ham into fights.
SwordArt - Yoe Flash Wolves
I've always thought SwordArt was one of the most underrated players on Yoe.
It's been a joy to see how much the LMS supports have been become more than
just bot lane play makers, but also understanding how to control vision and
roam around the map. I think one of the main strengths of the LMS teams and
that Yoe will bring to IEM, is their famed ability to team fight which on a
deeper level they are masters of understanding how to engage, disengage, and
reengage in the same team fight to create the right picks and make sure the
fight goes their way. SwordArt and Yoe by extension are one of the cleanest
team fighting teams at this tournament and now that SwordArt has gotten
better at controlling vision Yoe can easily take games off teams just by
overpowering them over and over.
nRated - SK Gaming
nRated is a player who I consider his main strengths being his mind set for
the game, his shot calling and strategical ability rather than his mechanical
prowess. I'm making this sound a lot more negative than I intend it to
because on some level he doesn't need to be the mechanical MadLife level god
for his team. What nRated does, and does very well for his team is create
vision and set up play making opportunities for his more mechanically skilled
players like Forg1ven to outplay the enemy team. I am curious to see how the
SK bot lane interacts against the other bot lanes at IEM, since I consider
nRated to be a weaker support, but having one of the strongest ADCs I want to
see if this bot lane can compete on the same level as others.
视野控制,以及set Play,为其他拥有更好操作的队友像是adc Forg1ven制造机会。
YuZhe - Team WE
Most of Team WE is a train wreck right now but YuZhe from what I've seen is
not the worst player on his team. Although we say that all of WE's games is
Spirit sometimes 1 v 9, YuZhe is at least competent enough to understand how
to control vision and not outright lose lane. Going back and watching WE's
games the bot lane has been one of the stronger points. It's rumored that
Mystic, famed ADC from the Jin Air organization, might replace Styz for the
tournament since he plays on WE Academy, and if this is true we'll have to
see how this bot lane plays out and if there is synergy between YuZhe and his
new Korean ADC.
WE的比赛都是看Spirit 一打九(叶问表示温馨),但是至少YuZhe能够胜任视野控制
有乳摸表示前Jin Air的adc Mystic在本次iem中会来取代现任的Styz,如果这是真的
LemmonNation - Cloud 9
I understand the implications of putting someone at the bottom of a list but
personally I like LemmonNation a lot and I think he is one of the most under
appreciated players in the NA scene. In many ways he fills a similar role to
nRated for SK brains and tactical planning and in many ways he is one of the
best in game minds I think of any player. You can see the tangible strategy
happening when you see Cloud 9 win games and even a C9 that is at the lowest
it's ever been you can see glimmers of that. All this said when it comes down
to it LemmonNation is outclass skill wise at this tournament. Domestically he
is still a strong support and does have play making ability, but his first
match is against GorillA and it's a match that I don't think comes close.
We'll see if that strategic ability can pull C9 some wins but in a straight
still match up, sorry Lemmon you are at the bottom.
Lemmon sorry拉,把你排在最后面
作者: dhpscience09   2015-03-13 18:36:00
作者: onedirection (1Dfan)   2015-03-13 18:53:00

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