[外絮] Westrice FB 暂时走下职业舞台

楼主: a077919 (DoubleE)   2015-02-26 13:00:43
For people asking, I stepped down from competitive league for now because I
want to focus on more important things. I don't have much time on my hands to
attend scrims that take up hours and hours of your day. I feel like the time
spent in scrims are redundant unless you're winning 80-100% of your games or
if its LCS. Good luck to CLG Black though, I really do think they have a good
For now I will be hitting the gym, attending college again, spending time
with the grill, and streaming for fun here and there. At this moment I'm just
not interested in Challenger series. Thanks everybody!
西米表示 因为他还有更多重要的事情想做 而团练占了他太多的时间
他觉得如果团练没有赢个八成以上的话 那花时间团练其实有点多余
不过还是要祝福CLG Black 他觉得他们很有机会打进LCS
西米目前想要去上上健身房 继续他的大学学业 还有陪陪女朋友 偶尔开个实况
此时的他 对于Challenger Series的比赛已经没有兴趣了 谢谢大家
作者: pilistar0222 (louis)   2015-02-26 13:04:00
看成Westdoor 吓到= = +1
作者: poiu0987yaaa   2015-02-26 13:07:00
作者: h08094493333 (harison916)   2015-02-26 13:28:00

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