[情报] 新英雄现身?!

楼主: wa410489 (Warthog)   2015-02-20 10:55:20
官网网页名称为Promo Bard Teaser
(巴德4ni? http://i.imgur.com/CGzr3JA.jpg 误XD
"Stories are not just history. They can be so much more. They nourish your
mind and, if told well, can even fill your belly. Some tales are warnings,
reaching across time. Others uplift our souls from the yoke of everyday
burdens. We laugh at fools, cheer heroes, and curse villains until the fire
burns down to embers.
Our first rule: The facts may be important, but they aren’t as vital as the
telling, of speaking to who we are and why we live. Details might change and
fade, but truth lives with us for all time.
Stories are everywhere. We build them from what we see. Even the sky above
whispers to us."
"Look toward the Frozen Watcher.
Summer’s grip loosens; winter’s herald dominates the night skies.
A horde of these strange creatures once enslaved the tribes of the Freljord.
They smothered Valoran under glaciers and cast a shadow upon all of Runeterra.
The Frozen Watcher signals the end of the harvest. It reminds us we must all
be prepared to endure winter’s lash."
"A cloud of smoldering destruction hangs in the night sky. This is the Fall
of Shurima.
The Ancients groped blindly in the darkness, threatening to unravel the very
fabric of creation in their hubris. Noble Shurimans who Ascended found a
loose thread in the universe’s tapestry, and pulled upon it. The vulgarity
of their ambition consumed thousands of innocent lives and ended a golden age.
Such was the fate of mighty Shurima and of men who would become gods."
"The powers that govern life and death are not to be trifled with.
The Shattered Crown is a king’s reward for defying the shadows’ embrace. I
believe we are meant to ponder mortality through poetry and verse, not
enslave it to our will."
"There was a time, not long ago, when this constellation was absent from the
night sky.
Some call it the Mountain Shrines or the Great Caretaker. Those of us from
the floating villages know of an older name, a name that speaks of a
universal truth. The name we took for our kind: Bard"
作者: ap1459777123 (蛋)   2015-02-20 10:59:00
期待推 图腾在石墙上我也看很久xd
作者: lucifiel1618 (Lucifiel)   2015-02-20 11:14:00
因为文中提到了floating villages,我觉得比较有可能是来自跟水比较有关的Bilgewater
作者: willytp97121 (rainwalker)   2015-02-20 11:15:00
作者: lucifiel1618 (Lucifiel)   2015-02-20 11:16:00
看Bilgewater的美术图就很有所谓floating villages的风格,Ionia虽然也是海岛但建筑风格就完全不同四张图讲的是四个不同的星座,最后一张就是Bard从弗雷尔卓德的Frozen Watcher苏瑞玛沙漠的the Fallof Shurima,(疑似)闇影岛的Shattered Crown,还有最后一个就是Bard,从方位和内容来看都比较像是指比尔吉沃特。虽然如此关键字是在floating villages文中写“那些水上人家们都知晓它更古老的名字...”所谓水上人家指的就是比尔吉沃特这种浮村,这是跟爱欧尼亚完全不同的建筑风格。那张图里的人应该是爱欧尼亚人没错,但是从这边起头我想只是因为爱欧尼亚是一个跟星象关系很强的地区。这边的背景应该是爱欧尼亚的观星者在教导瓦罗兰的星座,我猜测这里提到的是四个方位的守护星座。
作者: ap1459777123 (蛋)   2015-02-20 14:12:00
威寇兹是freljord watcher@@??
作者: lovesnow1990 (冰心之月)   2015-02-20 19:13:00

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