[情报] xPeke自组队伍Origen 上路选手现身!!

楼主: btwoh (乡民真的强)   2015-01-16 14:59:55

Today we are happy and relieved to finally be able to reveal Origen’s full
roster. We were missing two players after our previous announcement and I
was asked a lot if I was actually going to play for Origen. The answer is
yes, we have been playing for a while, I have been enjoying my time with the
rest of the team and I think together we can do very well in the future.
Now, for a bit of more interesting news, I know everybody is wondering who
will be our top laner. As many of you already guessed, Paul “sOAZ” Boyer
will join me for our fourth consecutive year playing together. I’ve known
him for a long time and I know how skilled, experienced and smart he is about
the game. As if that wasn’t enough, he’s motivated, hungry and ready to
prove himself again as one of the best.

Therefore, these are the five players that will form the Origen League of
Legends team in 2015:
France Paul “sOAZ” Boyer 前Fnatic上路选手
Germany Maurice “Amazing” Stückenschneider 前TSM打野选手
Spain Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño 前Fnatic中路选手兼队长
Denmark Jesper “Niels” Svenningsen 前SK gaming二队AD选手
Spain Alfonso “mithy” Aguirre 前Nip Sup选手
The whole team will be moving into our new gaming house in the next few days
in order to prepare for the Championship Series Qualifier. As always, make
sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to stay up to date with
the latest news.
Gaming House。最后,请各位老相好在各大网络社交媒体关注我们,以免错过什么最新资

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