eltar (所谓伊人)
2015-01-05 20:31:53来自 LEGENDASIA 战绩网 http://zh-tw.legendsasia.com/goodbye/
刚刚想查战绩赫然发现不能用了 昨天还能查的说
文长 只标记重点 求好心大大帮翻译全文~
A personal letter
‧ TW alteriatve: Quickfind( http://quickfind.kassad.in/?from=legendsasia )
or moa( http://lol.moa.tw/ )
Dear users,
I am shutting down LEGENDSASIA. This is not an easy decision. I need to focus
in university soon and I can no longer spend my time playing games, dealing
with bureaucratic barriers, and I cannot continue this.
It was very fun and a great learning experience, but the cost of doing
business is far too extreme in Southeast Asia - it is not just money, but it
is also cultural, business, and stress. I tried my best, but it was
impossible to break through bureaucracy, cultural barriers, and corruption. I
set this up originally as an experiment because there was no other service
like it in Southeast Asia that covered completely everyone. I had big dreams
of helping advance esports in the region, but not anymore. I can see why now.
Change needs to happen throughout Southeast Asia, or else this will happen
again and again with different people and different things. The local laws
and cultures seem like they are actively preventing change, preventing
development. There is much corruption, bribery practices, extortion
throughout the whole area of Southeast Asia.
(如果套用在台湾的话似乎与个资法有关 有钱能使鬼推磨 没钱就...)
It costs over $20,000 per month to serve a single region. Bandwidth and power
costs too much in all of Southeast Asia. There is absolutely no way to break
even with advertisements or donations because ad CPM is $0.01-0.02 for most
of the countries. [CPM is what you get per mille visitors]. In some areas,
CPM is actually below 0.01 USD. And in the gaming category, adblock rates are
over 90%. This is especially high in asia because many shady people don't
care about shady ads and refuse to review or vet them before publishing, so
people just block it.
Bandwidth can cost over $6000 ~ $12000 for 1 Mbps. More so if you are a
foreigner or don't speak the language, because everyone will gouge you when
possible. Nobody will talk to me in English for sales; I had to pay a
translator many times and even then they ignore me because I'm not local. If
you think bandwidth in Australia is expensive, think again.
Companies will refuse to service you if you are not local, companies will
ignore you because you are a single person and not a large company. In most
countries in SEA, there is a single monopoly ISP usually backed by the
government that can charge any price for any reason (Americans: if you think
Comcast is bad, you have never seen Southeast Asia). Many providers require
local business registration certificate and local presence. No support is
offered in other languages even if you manage to get through.
歪果仁表示别再抱怨Comcast 很烂很难用了 来到东南亚你们才知道还有比这更鸟的
Have you ever wondered why no one bothered with something like this
commercially? Have you ever wondered why website like LOLKING doesn't add
these regions? It's because no sane business would ever do this! There is no
return on investment and there never will be. The only websites for SEA
region are run by individuals that do this out of passion exclusively if you
take a look at it. It is extremely expensive to do so at this point,
especially as a foreigner, and you gain absolutely nothing from it.
In addition, there are many extremely restrictive laws surrounding most of
Asia. For example, it's illegal to have a website in China without an “ICP
licence”, which is not given to foreigners ever. It's illegal in many SEA
countries for a foreigner to own a domestic company. Most SEA countries are
controlled by a single group or are an outright dictatorship.
In many of these countries, websites and blogs must be registered with the
government and all content posted must comply with certain rules or you face
serious consequences.
It's illegal to serve any content or even mention to do with suicide,
sexuality or you get banned by countrywide censorship firewall.
We have been fully site blocked in Thailand because a user's profile had a
team name that said something bad about the Thai government/king/royal
family. We have been blocked in Malaysia before because of someone's team
name containing something anti-Muslim.
We used to have the replay service, but this is later found out to be illegal
in some countries because people can use it to send all chat through to
others, so it needs to be restricted to only your games, and only your
region, and it also needs to comply with censorship laws in some regions
because it supports chat. For example if someone says something about incest
or pornography in a replay, summoner name, team name, something bad about
Thai king, something encouraging others to suicide, the replay must be
removed or deleted, as it's illegal in multiple countries, and the
website/service saving the replay may be blocked by the country censorship
"great firewall".
Until these laws change and these countries develop further, there is no way
a company would be willing to take these risks and actively censor content to
satisfy the needs of many governments, for no return on their efforts. Don't
waste your time or money, if you are a foreigner, you are not wanted.
I have had servers stolen physically in shipping from multiple countries
because of refusal to pay large bribes. I have been mugged and robbed when
traveling to set up servers – police do not give a shit at all. The region
is not very safe, and getting almost anything done requires mafia-esque
connections, bribes, or outright illegality which I refuse to do.
I have had servers seized physically by the company or some government entity
themselves or other such (Thailand, Philippines) because of false charges
over censorship, running "illegal" website that has slanderous content such
as summoner names or team names, and other things similar. I have seen some
hosting company in one country open the case (this triggers automatic alert
on open), take hardware, then replace it with inferior hardware.
[You might ask, why host in every country? It's because there is close to zero peering
across the region, and no ISP cooperates with each other. If you are trying
to reach someone in Thailand, you must host in there, otherwise a short route
like Thailand to Singapore goes via Los Angeles or Seattle (USA), since the
ISPs do not interconnect or actively refuse to. Also you are charged
international pricing, which in some cases can be a 4000-6000% markup from
domestic bandwidth costs. In China, you have to buy from two ISPs, because
one is not enough.]
I have received death threats due to “website slowness”. I routinely get
told to kill myself (over 1300 times so far according to email search!) for
not having the same features as LOLKING like the detailed match history that
is not supported here. I have received free Jolibee coupons via email. I have
been on the receiving end of large attacks and floods, and if you need to
handle very high PPS, use FreeBSD instead of Linux.
In the last year of service, I can count the total number of people that have
ever appreciated this or thanked me on one hand. The rest is mostly just
harassment and hate for not being as good as the first world country
services. I did not spend Christmas or New Years with friends or family,
instead I was answering emails and feedback requests (several thousand per
day). I don't sleep often.
I'm actually sad when I write this letter at 3 AM sitting on the floor
hugging a pillow because this experiment has allowed me to meet interesting
people, travel to places reasonably cheap, learn new tools and skill set. But
it's time for another chapter of my life.
good night sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
/ rad
P.S. Garena has been great. Don't hate them. You have no idea how hard it is
to run a business in Southeast Asia; if Garena was not here you would not
have League of Legends at all. It's essentially illegal for Riot to publish
the game themselves in many of these countries. You need a separate corporate
entity in each country to comply with local law; Riot cannot open one office
and serve multiple regions from it due to local law and regulations. There
are entire countries here that have less bandwidth than most American or
European businesses.
Do you wonder why things like replays and enhanced match history isn't
available here? Shipping additional hardware to support this is hard enough,
but add to the fact that these services may be impeded further by local
大意就是在东南亚想推广lol 的是傻逼,各种阻碍逼得他们不得不关门
在(东南亚地区)病态的体制与法令规定下Riot 无法直营只能依靠代理商
所以你们自求多福吧 跪安