※ 引述《wingyat92 (初音萌萌)》之铭言:
: 原帖 http://ppt.cc/C07J
: A region that is falling behind the rest of the world
: Hi Riot and LoL players from other region, I wrote this to express my views
: about the current issues with LoL in Garena servers: SG/MY, Vietnam,... With
: the recent results of Garena teams in World Championship in S3 and S4, I
: realised that the region that can produce champion like TPS are really
: falling behind other regions. It is not because we are lack of good players,
: but we are lack of a system that produce good players. So here is my view:
大家豪 我是东南亚人
: *1. There is minimal oversight on what is happening in games. Garena have a
: system of Game Masters (GMs) that do nothing but replying without solving the
: reported problems if they are brought up. They have no management over the
: toxicity of players in game. They are just there to represent an authority in
: LoL but have nothing to do with the games themselves. Reports are rarely
: handled, banning are luxurious here. Players in Garena servers have absolute
: freedom to cursing and verbally harassing other players. AFKs and trollers
: are abundant. As a players in many Garena servers, many people feel offended
: and angry because of these behaviors. It affects our game play and in-game
: judgements, hence our game skills. Such environment is clearly not good for
: any players and that is the reason why we are starting to fall behind.
garena都废物 不会锁人帐号
: *2. The region is fragmented. We have different countries with different
: languages. Games are run on different servers with different languages
: interface. I understand this issues but this is clearly a big problems.
: Players on each servers will get to play only with themselves, without
: ability to access other country's servers. They even issued region IP lock,
: which only allow players from one region to play within that region, unless
: you use fake IP or something. It limits our ability to practice and get
: experience from players in better regions. There are limited opportunities
: for teams in Garena servers to practice and improve by playing with other
: better regions. The result of this is the poor result in World Championship
: in S3, S4. If you are watching GPL in the last 2 years, you can see the
: differences in term of quality of teams. 1st is Taiwan, then Vietnam,
: Singapore-Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and so on. Without opportunities,
: they are lacking further and further behind.
: *3. There is no community here. Or, to be correct, our voices are blocked.
: There is no platform for us to officially complaint or discuss about what is
: happening in our regions. The only platform provided is Garena forum. But say
: what you may, everything that you talked about in those forum, if they
: offended Garena or ruined their images or to be used as proof for something
: else where, they are going to remove it, banned your account forever. They
: monitor that forum better than anything else, even the games (refer to point
: 1). The community here have no ability to express out concerns about games
: contents, plays or anything of that sort. This is clearly different from EU
: or NA, where you guys have this splendid platform for discussions, solving
: your issues.
只能上garena forum
: That are all my viewpoints. With those issues, the region that has succeeded
: in season 2, will never have chance to rise again. As a players, I feel
: hopeless about this. I know that some issues are not easy to solve (like
: point 2) or Riot have no authority about it. But as a person who believe in
: my regions' talents, I hope that Riot, as the producers of the game and the
: one who have oversight about LoL in the world, do something or pressure
: Garena to do something about it. I have not came out with any suggestion yet
: because this post is already too long. I hope my and players' voice here is
: heard.
: Thank you.
一场积分 p1可以是钻1 p5是金5
或 p1菁英 p5白金三
这种场基本上什么都练不到 被虐或虐人
东南亚的G社真的没再做事 是真的