sixup 2014-11-08 08:50:53来源:http://clgaming.net/news/621-zionspartan-joins-clg
ZionSpartan joins CLG
Counter Logic Gaming is excited to announce today that it has signed Darshan
"ZionSpartan" Upadhyaha as the new starting top laner. ZionSpartan was
previously the top laner for Team Dignitas and considered one of the best top
laners in the North American LCS. He has played League of Legends
competitively over the past two years on teams such as: Monomaniac eSports,
Team Dynamic, GGU, and Team Coast.
"ZionSpartan has consistently been one of the strongest players on every team
he has been on. I have been very impressed with his play; and over the past
week he has shown in tryouts that he is an extremely good communicator and
team player," said George "HotshotGG" Georgallidis, Co-Founder and President
of Counter Logic Gaming. "After spending time with him, I really like his
positive outlook for both in and outside of the game. I believe that he will
become a strong anchor for the team next year."
CLG opts to not re-sign Seraph
Counter Logic Gaming has decided to not re-sign Shin "Seraph" Wooyeong for
the upcoming season. CLG valued his time with the organization and are
grateful that he made the decision to make the jump overseas to join an LCS
team. We would like to thank Seraph and wish him luck on his future endeavors.
"Choosing to not re-sign with Seraph for the upcoming season was difficult
but, ultimately, a choice we believe to be in the best interest of both
parties," said Matthew "MaTTcom" Marikian, General Manager of Counter Logic
Gaming. "Seraph is a good player with an excellent work ethic and an
unwavering dedication to the game. Unfortunately, during his time on CLG, we
were unable to fully utilize him due to a variety of reasons; chief amongst
them being communication due to significant language barriers. We hope that
Seraph's time on CLG was a constructive one and we wish him the best for the