Wickd: how many of you guys would want a 5v5 stream session with the old
CLG EU if we can arrange that?
Wickd: 如果我们能够筹备规划一下的话,有多少人想看老CLG.EU五个人一起玩?
Krepo: I'm nowhere near presentable enough to stream. Gimme a week or so.
Also @FroggenLoL @Wickdlol are onboard for a CLG.EU strm
Krepo: 我现在见不得人啊,给我一周左右吧。还有,Froggen/Wickd都同意搞个
Yellowpete: Haven't even been playing League for a while, but I'm home & ready
Yellowpete: 一段时间没打LOL了,但我已经在家准备好了!
Snoopeh: What's happening in here?
Snoopeh: 花生神么事惹?
没有去证实,但听说Edward在推特上表示:Dreamhack Rematch plz
看来是可以期望CLG.EU vs. M5?