Nicher (rehciN)
2014-10-06 01:02:31翻译他的"G计划"部分
: That's the moment Dioud told us he had a project with people, something
: pretty serious. That project, Im not sure if I'm allowed to talk about
: it, let's call it "project G".
Dioud认真的跟我们说他(跟G)想了一个计划 我不确定我能不能说这个
: We've never talked to G, only with two young people from e-sports and
: someone diplomed in law living in Canada and passionated about e-sports
: who helped a lot about visas and contracts (who then took the role of
: manager). That person's done that for free and helped us a lot. Thanks
: Pristine.
我们没有真的跟G说过话 只有跟对方两位负责电竞的年轻人接触
(当时他可能会成为manager) 而且没有收钱 感谢Pristine
: Well. The 2 other people were telling us : "You'll have this and this,
: a gaming house, salaries, contracts etc, etc". We were given many details
: . Except that's what they thought we'd have. And the misunderstood part
: was the fact that the project would only start in january. But what would
: we do until then? I mean, we want to win the expansion tournament. Well,
: this two young people tricked us and were probably trying to scam us.
: We've been sold like cattle, fed with hope.
总之那两人说"你们会有gaming house 薪水 合约等等..."
他们说了很多细节 但是他们没说的是这要从明年一月开始...
等等~一月? 等这么久干吗? 我是说如果我们赢马上开始的LCS扩编赛(事情就搞定了啊)
总之我觉得这两人是想要骗我们 他们凭空捏造希望来喂我们吃而已
: I will now talk about PGW (ParisGamesWeek). Since Jebus and Cabochard do'nt
: have any experience offline, they thought it was a good idea. I didn't.
: Why? A loss of time going through useless qualifiers with the low level
: of ot, and the tournament in itself wasn't that interesting in my eyes
: since the it was coming pretty fast. And above we couldn't play 100%
: against teams we don't respect.
现在我谈一下巴黎游戏周 Jebus跟Cabochard没有线下赛经验所以他们觉得去参加很不错
不过我不这么想 我们只是浪费时间打一些没用的资格赛跟低水准的比赛
这东西一点都不吸引我 我们没时间准备
: That's what happened against some team, I knew it would happen again next
: qualifier, and so on. Noone was motivated about those games. Then we lost
: a gainst Millenium Spirit, huge upset, we didn't take them seriously. We
: won't play the next qualifiers because G wanted us to do it, for a matter
: of sponsor. SO it doesn't make sense anymore.
所以事情就这样发生 我们打的一点也没激情
输给一支差我们很多的队伍 Millenium Spirit 一点也不当回事
我们也没参加下一轮资格赛 因为G不想要我们参赛
对于(可能的)赞助商来说 要队伍不打比赛实在很不合理
: The news comes the same day as the defeat, friday. That's when we learn the
: project doesn't exist anymore. Damn we just lost one month for nothing. Too
: bad, isn't it?
白白浪费一个月 真太糟了
: Now Alex has no visa or stable situation for his wife and child, Jebus won't
: be able to play 100% at home because of school.
: One solution? A fair project with the same conditions, the problem? There's
: only a month and half before the expansion tournament.
: So, yeah, we're in some shitty situation.
现在Alex没有visa也没办法给家里稳定的生活 Jebus要上学没办法全力比赛
: Those who think the two losses during the PGM qualifiers have created any
: problems, i'll stop you right now, we don't care at all, and have nothing
: to prove. We could play a bo11 against the teams who beat us and not even
: lose a game if we take it seriously and i'm not even exaggerating. The
: problem is that it's gonna be hard to find something all together.
: I suggested AlexIch to make it public.
: If he finds something, I obviously wish him to take the chance, that said,
: if an org decided to take care of our problems, we'd motivate ourself to
: win the tournament, because we have the tools for it, at least that what
: I think. This story dragged me down.
PGM资格赛的两场失败没有造成什么问题 我们并不在乎 也不需要证明什么
如果我们认真比赛 我们绝对能够击败那些在资格赛打败过我们的队伍 真心不骗
问题是很难把所有的事情都准备好(找队员 队伍 行程 合约等)
如果他能找到机会 我真的很希望他去试试看
如果有一个团体愿意处理这些困难 我们一定会努力赢得比赛
因为我们有赢下比赛的工具 至少我这样觉得
: I gave 200% for this project, I even stopped streaming to be match the
: intense training's schedule we fixed ourself. I went out erally few. And
: now I'm unsure about the situation.
: It's sad but I really don't know what to do or what will happen to the
: team. But my motivation is still here.
: Thanks for reading this. Have a good day.
当时我200%的专注在计划上 我甚至停止实况来加强训练
我很少出门 (结果事情是这样) 我现在不确定以后会怎样
我已经不知道怎么作 也不知道队伍将来会怎样 但我确定雄心壮志还在
谢谢各位看完 日安
: 1. Freeze很吵,吵到ALEX受不了把他静音,而且还曾不假离营!!
: 2. NIP是有想要参加扩充赛的,但是ALEX的VISA到期又没工作签证,而NIP搞不定
: 这些事情,我(Imsofresh)建议大家换公司看看,因为我想和ALEX一起走下去,
: 其实那时我们大可换掉ALEX,留在NIP,继续为扩充赛练习。
: 3. G计划这边看的我一头雾水 XD
G计划就是没有计划 骗人的
Alex应该会到此为止吧 我只是觉得如果他没办法作progamer 那可能会连家都保不住
老婆就是小公主一定要跟他住 家又要他养
在俄国作programer不知道有没有gamer赚的多 一直打游戏跟的上现在进度吗?
当初他跟Gambit翻脸真是个重大错误 打不赢世界赛至少也混饭吃
Diamond在美国努力把升降赛打好 至少现在Gambit暂时就不用担心这些
看了半天 唯一解就是不要跟家人住在一起
他老婆自己没有语言能力 搬到国外去又等于要他照顾
又要单独住宿 又要多两个人visa 又要住在德国