消息来源: http://redd.it/2gzcac
League of Legends will arrive in the barren lands of PC gaming, named Japan.
Located in the 'Tokyo Game Show 2014' event hall #7, Japan's Logitech company
'Logicool' booth revealed for the first time Riot Games Japan's
Representative and announced the hopes and plans of the League of Legends
Japanese Servers.
The Japanese version of the League of Legends beginner tutorial was first
exhibited, and thus Riot Japan's activities began.
'Otobe Ichiro', Riot Japan's Representative, appeared in the Logicool TGS
Conference. On stage, he said "We are putting our efforts into the ability
for players to play on a reliable server with stability."
In the Japanese market, League of Legends is planned to be put into service
after full localization, identical to the Korean servers.
Regarding Japanese servers, Ichiro says it is "in preparation, but the form
it will take is difficult to confirm. However, Riot Japan is working at full
efforts for a fast opening of a Japanese server."
Bonus: Inven Comment "Ahri voice actress"
期待日文语音: 阿璃 安妮 露露