是这样的 这个月我追随一个实况主后
twitch中Riot发来一封信 内容就像这样
Due to your constant following of League of Legends e-sports event,
We have decided to give you 975 Riot Points.
To claim your Riot Points follow this link :
这是网址: 修掉惹 有人点进去浏览器挂点看来可能有毒 先删掉
Once there, follow the steps provided to claim your Riot Points.
See you on the fields of Justice. Riot games
内容大致上就是因为我当实况主的干爹 所以R社决定给干爹一点福利的RP
感谢各位高水准乡民们!! 看来是诈骗 大家看仔细阿!! 当了干爹收到这个别被骗
我在 league.pvp 找到正解了 缩网址不会请见谅QAQ