ADCarry (AD Carry)
2014-06-09 21:49:08等一下凌晨一点的时候
riot西班牙 会在 riot西班牙台 以西班牙语 实况Dota2, 啊不是,是新版召唤峡谷
实况网址 http://www.twitch.tv/RiotGamesES
消息来源 http://redd.it/27otj4 submitted 2 hours ago by space_cosmonaut
You can see the official post in the Spanish web here( http://goo.gl/d0U0OA ).
I couldn't see it in
the global EUW page nor in the NA site.I understand the streaming will be in
Spanish? Anyway I thought you'd like to know.
西班牙riot官网公告 http://goo.gl/d0U0OA