1.首先是Martin Kelly,他先在Instagram贴了一张在巴黎旅游的照片,结果在恐怖攻击
Crystal Palace FC @CPFC
We have been in contact with @MartinKelly1990 tonight and can confirm he is
safe and well.
2.Rickie Lambert和妻子也前往巴黎旅游,虽然没有像Kelly一样发生戏剧性的事件,但
West Bromwich Albion @WBAFCofficial
The Club have spoken to Rickie Lambert. He & his wife are safe. Rickie
wanted to thank all fans for their tweets of concern and support
amy lambert09(Lambert妻子) @AmyLambert09
On our way back home from Paris, our deepest sympathy to those effected,
such a sad day