Antstom (螞蟻)
2017-04-29 18:17:19借由更新 Mayday活动任务 来顺便问些问题XD
除了Bonus Questline的Quest 11 其余每个Quest都要花7FP
Main Questline
Quest 1:
Hilde: "Gather 100 coins"
Reward: 1 Maypole
Quest 2:
Hilde: "In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 10 times"
Quest 3:
Hilde: "Research a technology"
Quest 4:
Hilde: "Motivate or Polish 40 buildings"
Quest 5:
Hilde: "Recruit 4 units from your age or 6 from the previous age"
Quest 6:
Hilde: "Make people enthusiastic"
Quest 7:
Hilde: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 4 from the
previous age"
Quest 8:
Hilde: "Scout a province"
Quest 9:
Hilde: "In a production building, finish a 4-hour-production 8 times"
Quest 10:
Hilde: "Acquire 2 sectors without fighting"
Quest 11:
Hilde: "Gather 40 goods"
Quest 12:
Hilde: "Gain control over a province"
Reward: Random Reward Random and Portrait of Halvald
Over All Quest:
Halvald: "Finish all quests in the May Day main questline"
Reward: 1 Maypole Upgrade and 1 Renovation Kit
Bonus Questline
These are daily quests you receive after completing the main questline.
Quest 1:
Hilde: "Buy 7 Forge Points"
Quest 2:
Hilde: "Infiltrate 5 sectors"
Quest 3:
Hilde: "In a production building, finish a 8-hour-production 6 times"
Quest 4:
Hilde: "Research a technology"
Quest 5:
Hilde: "Recruit 5 units from your age or 8 from the previous age"
Quest 6:
Hilde: "Visit 8 Taverns"
Quest 7:
Hilde: "Finish a 24-hour-production 4 times"
Quest 8:
Hilde: "Build 2 culture buildings from your age or 3 from the
previous age"
Quest 9:
Hilde: "Acquire 2 sectors without fighting"
Quest 10:
Hilde: "Gather 50 goods"
Quest 11:
Hilde: "Contribute 20 Forge Points to Great Buildings or research a
Quest 12:
Hilde: "Gain control over a province"
Over All Quest:
Halvald: "Finish all daily quests in the May Day bonus questline"
Reward: 1 Maypole Upgrade and 3 Boost crate
Maypole(2*2) 升级 Mighty Maypole 升级 Majestic Maypole
提供快乐值 => 提供快乐值 => 提供快乐值
coins boost(4-7%) => coins boost(8-14%)
去年的 Maypole 感觉就是个鸡肋
但这次能升级后 Majestic Maypole 性价比感觉颇高阿
我刚进入到 Tomorrow 时代
但这样总过要盖8座 吃好多土地&人口 但竟然还是不够用QQ
然后进到Tomorrow看了一下 原料还需要另一个原料来制作(崩溃
然后再问一下 盖Alcatraz还要盖军事建筑吗
虽然不走侵略他人 但光打地图跟GE兵力就跟不上QQ
现阶段我的GB有 atom(10) obs(2) temple(5) LOA(4) Hagia(10)
CDM(11) COA(10) zeus(10) Chateau(4)
话说颇好奇主线科技&地图推太快 推到底而导致活动任务的scout解不了的吗