现在论坛有po自己城市得钻石的活动 = _ =
糖果屋 熊熊 姜饼屋 核桃钳 驯鹿xx 等等....
Your city must have at least 3 "winter" buildings (so any 3 of the following:
Confectionary, Large Confectionary, Huge Confectionary, Legendary
Confectionary, Gate Statue East, Gate Statue West, Gingerbread House,
Nutcracker, Reindeer Paddock, Reindeer Sleigh, Snow Globe, Winter Gate,
Winter Market, Winter Pyramid)
审核过就50钻 其他还有机会抽奖拿更多
Posting a valid entry for the competition = 50 diamonds
7 Randomly Selected Winners = +100 diamonds & 1 "today's special" reward from
the Winter Event 2015
3rd Place Winner = +150 diamonds & 2 "today's special" rewards from the
Winter Event 2015
2nd Place Winner = +250 diamonds & 2 "today's special" rewards from the
Winter Event 2015
1st Place Winner = +350 diamonds & 2 "today's special" rewards from the
Winter Event 2015