ynib (小药)
2015-06-20 22:31:51又更新了
工会多了两个建筑物 一个是加XP跟钱 一个是宠物强化的
v0.44 epsilon - June 20, 2015
-ADD: New Event: Spring Revenge
-ADD: New Event Expedition system
-ADD: New Guild Building: Altar
-ADD: New Guild Building: Stable
-ADD: Trophy cap increased to 80
-ADD: Resets are free for a while!
-FIX: Backend code registration issue with codes that were too long or short
-FIX: The teasing 3rd ascension tip when below level 130
-FIX: Reduction Trophy Upgrades should now work properly
-FIX: Guild upgrades that affect pet damage should now show the improvement in the training window
-FIX: Spamming popup for forest 17 and above requirements resolved
-FIX: Bug with fast track crediting for your best+1
-FIX: Further improvements on connection integrity issues
-FIX: Issue with challenges still failing after completion
-FIX: Pet training timer should update immediately after increasing Pet Train Reduction
-FIX: Multiple Code Redeems should be possible without having to close and re-open the code window
-FIX: Character sheet damage stats should update on card bonus updates now
-VISUAL: Updated a few upgrade descriptions...still a WIP
※ 引述《BF109 (Bf109)》之铭言:
: 0.43e 6/11
: 简单说
: 公会建筑和公会技能功能开启了 (建筑其实只开了一个,Guild Hall)
: 公会建筑要捐石头来升级
: 升级公会建筑可以得到 GXP,还有扩充人数上限
: 可以用GXP升级公会技能
: 技能分成 auto伤、宠物伤、XP加成、GOLD加成
: 大伙儿快上啊XD