CCY0927 (只是个暱称罢了)
2024-05-30 13:25:18https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/main/zh-tw?/sign/0613
Linking Semantics and Syntax: Quantifier Symmetry and Dou Distribution
This study investigates the patterns in which the Mandarin Chinese term "dou,"
translated as 'all,' appears within quantifier restrictors. Whereas previous
inquiries have predominantly concentrated on the role of "dou" within nuclear
scopes, especially concerning "mei" ('every'), its application in restrictors
has been neglected. Intriguingly, quantifiers that accommodate "dou" in
nuclear scopes often disallow it in restrictors. Symmetric quantifiers like "(
at least) ten," "more than ten," "about ten," and "six to eight" welcome "dou"
within restrictors, whereas non-symmetric quantifiers, such as "mei" ('every'
) and "dabufen" ('most'), do not. This article proposes that "dou" is
permissible in restrictors if the quantifier allows Q(A)(B) and Q(B)(A) to be
interchanged without changing the truth value. This paper suggests that "dou"
is permissible in restrictors when the quantifier endorses the
interchangeability of Q(A)(B) and Q(B)(A) without altering the truth value,
characteristic of symmetric quantifiers, reliant on the (∩) intersection of A
and B. Examination will encompass various quantifiers including "henduo,”"
henshao" ('few'), proportional quantifiers, and definite determiners. These
examinations corroborate the symmetry hypothesis.