CCY0927 (只是个暱称罢了)
2023-02-24 11:52:38https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/main/zh-tw?/sign/0313talk
Onomatopoeia vs. ideophones in Saisiyat
* 日期:2023-03-13(一) 10:00-12:00
* 主讲人:齐莉莎 研究员
* 会议地点:中央研究院语言学研究所519会议室
Onomatopoeia and ideophones are quite similar in form and function and are
thus difficult to distinguish. While the first imitate a sound, the latter
express a feeling or encode sensory sensations.
This talk will introduce and compare the phonological internal word structure
and grammatical characteristics of onomatopoetic words and ideophones in
Saisiyat, a Formosan language spoken in northwestern Taiwan. It will present a
detail investigation of their word formation, sound symbolic associations and
grammatical distribution. I will show that both onomatopoeias and ideophones
do not belong to any lexical category in particular but play the same role in
the “feeding” mechanism of the lexicon in Saisiyat, in that nouns and verbs
are related to these two categories; ideophones might also be derived from
verbs and nouns.