1. Which of the following phonological rule is toally insensitive
to morphological and syntactic structure?
(A) Palatalization
(B) Nasal assimilation
(C) Consonant elision
(D) R-dropping
2. Which of the following statements about semantics is NOT correct?
(A) Meaning of a word involves more than just the actual thing
the word refer to.
(B) The meaning of an expression is a mental image.
(C) Knowing the meaning of a sentence involves knowing the conditions
under which it is would be true,
(D) Meaning is provided by a community of native speakers.
3.The following sentences are similar in their wording,
yet they have different structures.
Explain how and why sentence (a) differes in structure from sentence (b)
(a) Tom took in the stray cat.
(b) Tom looked in the closet.
这两句不同的地方是(a)的took in是一个词组,
但是(b)in the closet是一个词组?
took in的in是介副词但in the closet的in是副词?