CPA 澳洲会计师考试分为 2 级:
Foundation level基础级8科 (选择题)
① Foundations of Accounting
② IT and Business Processes
③ Economics and Markets
④ Fundamentals of Business Law
⑤ Business Finance
⑥ Financial Accounting and Reporting
⑦ Management Accounting
⑧ Accounting Concepts and Principles
基础级8科可透过PERASON VUE在台湾考试,有受CPA澳洲认可的
Professional Level专业级6科 (选择题+论述题)
① Ethics and Governance
② Strategic Management Accounting
③ Financial Reporting
④ Global Strategy and Leadership
① Advanced Taxation
② Malaysia Taxation
③ Singapore Taxation
④ Advanced Audit and Assurance
⑤ Contemporary Business Issues
⑥ Financial Risk Management
以上资讯取之为 test104 网站