[情报] Daily Horoscope 2024/6/27

楼主: DXDZ (DXDZ)   2024-06-26 12:07:57
Libra horoscope for 星期四 6月 27When you plant a garden with flowers or
vegetables and it looks pristine, it will still need to be maintained,
including watering, fertilizing, and weeding. If you don't do those things,
eventually the weeds will crop in, some plants may dry out, and eventually
your plants will suffer and begin to die, while weeds will take over
completely and choke out the desirable plants. Try to think of a current
relationship - one that may be experiencing some difficulty right now - as a
garden. If you have not maintained it, it will not continue to bloom. If you
do, you can continue your rewarding and beautiful journey. Sometimes it's
that simple, Libra.

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