2020-12-06 16:20:53Libra horoscope for 12月 7 - 12月 13
You know quite well that you can't "please all the people all of the time,"
Libra, but you are trying, nonetheless. There is some situation in your life
that you are trying almost desperately to get right - and to you that means
making everyone involved happy. But at the same time, you understand human
nature. You have the gift of being able to see all the sides of a story and
why people are affected differently by different things. You need to let
yourself off the hook this week as you follow through on a venture and just
be happy with whatever makes you happy personally. There will be a lot of
demands on your time and your patience this week. You may start out frazzled
as you think about the scope of it. But if you take some time right away to
plot it out with a schedule and a list of things to do, you will wind up
feeling very secure and in charge - and that will lead not only to a perfect
outcome, but also to a great sense of calm as you work. This week may have
its ups and downs, but it will be far more positive if you maintain a calm
state of mind.